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That Saturday, Mew went to the office early. At 7:00 in the morning he had arrived. His clothes are also too simple. Just jeans and a t-shirt. At a glance, his good looks were obvious with the hat he was wearing. 

Mew checks all documents that need its verification. Even if Mew's heart first arrives in Chiang Mai, the responsibility remains not neglected. The focus remains on taking care of the company run by his late mother. Trust will remain a trust, even if Mew tries to dodge a few times. Especially with the presence of Gulf in his life. Actually, Mew wants to be free. Free from all responsibilities. He just wants to be an ordinary guy. A mediocre life. Not too burdened with duties and responsibilities.

In an instant, the time was approaching 9.30 am. That's when Mew came out of the room. Some of the staff who were still chatting with each other were shocked to see Mew in front of the room door. No one thought their boss had arrived first.

Mew did not reprimand instead he looks at the clock on the wall as a sign of his sarcasm. Simultaneously, the workers were in hurry to returned to their respective places.

With a serious face Mew stepped to Art table. Some verified files are placed there.

"Update everything. I want it on Monday, and everything is on my desk," Mew give an direction firmly.

"All right, sir..." Art reply slowly. He was also scared because he was one of the staff who talked earlier. Mew's face was stared at for a long time by him. That's when his heart began to beat. He's stylish and rich! Hmmm, how lucky he is to have Mew, whispered Art.

"Mild!" Loudly Mew called the name of his good friend. Without waiting Mild, Mew just go back to the room.

A few moments later, Mild appeared with a half -strange face. The way Mew style is very different today.

"I want to go to Chiang Mai in a moment. Anything you please in charge. Call me if there is something important," Mew give instructions while tidying his table.

Mild just shook his head. This friend is really bad. Inexhaustible with Chang Mai.

"Chiang Mai again?" Deliberately Mild asked.

Mew just smiled in response. There is no need for him to tell more if everything Mild already knows.

"Emmm... if it's like this, you should ask him to marry you soon. No need to bother to go back and forth always. It makes you crazy to miss him every week, it makes you worse." Mild teased with a cynical smile.

"I'm crazy with him not just every week, but every day. Otherwise, I want to go there every day." Mew said as he got up from his seat. Patted his friend's shoulder before he started to step away.

"People who have never had the experience of in love, this is how it is. Stink! Don't even remember anything else!" Mild sneered and also stepped along with Mew.

"Now I know, love is beautiful apparently. It cannot be expressed in words. Can make us forget ourselves and forget everything..." earnestly Mew explained but indeed he believed, Mild would not understand anything. Mild will not understand the feelings that Mew bear at this time. But it's okay, think Mew. Whether Mild understands or not, it doesn't matter to Mew.

"Anyway, don't forget to go back..." Mild remind Mew.

"I'll be back tomorrow evening, don't worry," answered Mew.

"Why not you persuade the man to come with you back here. I can't bear to see you go crazy like this!" Mild give suggestions.

"I'm not always crazy. This is the first and last..." said Mew with a friendly smile. They continued to walk side by side.

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