His love~2(last)

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Author's POV

There was a girl sitting near the window looking at the moon. Her eyes were filled with tears and some were streaming down to her cheeks.

A painful sob left her mouth which she tried to suppress. It was very hard! Very much then she ever thought.

Her Samir left her!

No! He was never her! He was clear from his side from starting. It was her who was still hoping and after that there almost kiss she thought may be- may be somewhere she was on his heart but what happened next broke her to her extend.

He-Samir without thinking or saying anything to her Run away from there leaving a heartbroken Jasmine behind. He left her alone there for his love which wasn't her!

That was the exact moment she finally realized she never hold a chance in his heart. It was always Aditi.

His Aditi

Another drop left her eyes and she didn't even tried to wipe it. Her life was so beautiful 6 Month earlier but now! It's colorless.

She is away from her family with a broken heart.

But what was making it more difficult was memories! His memories

The two week they spend together, yeah not together but still close to each other were taunting her all the time. She covered her mouth to stop her sobs.

It was harder !

Her eyes went to her ring finger which was without the ring, which he made her wear. That reminded her about her decision. Decision to leave him and move on with her broken heart.

"Tum to nahi ho Samir, phir bhi tmhari yaade mujhe tarpa rhi hai"

(You aren't here Samir, still you memories are taunting me)

Jasmine said tiredly, her eyes were swollen by crying, this was the only thing she was doing from few days.

She closed her eyes and her mind snapped the picture of him hugging the lifeless Aditi on the bed. He was crying for her, telling her how much grateful he was that he found her.

He was kissing her forehead continously, letting everyone around know he love her. That exact message entered inside Jasmine's heart. The moment she realized the depth of love he has for her, she slipped there engagement ring from her finger and quietly placed it on the table place near. He-Samir was asleep keeping his head on her-Aditi stomach.

The sight was very beautiful, but for Jasmine it was burning her, it was breaking her. Her self broke down and she decided to free him immediately from this unwanted relationship.

Once she made sure that she had captured his beautiful face in her mind for the rest of her life, she-Jasmine quietly peaked his forehead and went out without anyone's acknowledgement.

Going straight to her house, she told her parents she want some time alone and also that she has broken her engagement. They asked the reason to which she just said,

I don't love Samir

Her parents find it hard to believe but still nodded at her. But then without wasting any second, she also said she is going to A vacation with Rajveer.

Her parents trust Rajveer as his own son so they let him took there only daughter away.

Now here she is sitting in Manali alone with no one to her side. She looked outside to the foggy weather and wiped her Tears away, knowing this isn't going to help in anyway.

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