Her Mijazi khuda~6

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Author's pov:-

Her eyes widened in surprise, her lips parting slightly as she absorbed his words. The apology she had longed to hear, yet never dared to expect, hung in the air between them, heavy with unspoken emotions.

She had carried the weight of her unspoken questions for so long, the burden of uncertainty pressing down on her heart. She had yearned for answers for an explanation that would ease the turmoil within her. But before he could delve into the depths of her unspoken inquiries, he needed to apologize for the thing he did or didn't..

As he uttered the words "I am sorry, bacche," a wave of emotions washed over her. Sadness, anger, and a glimmer of hope mingled within her, creating a storm of conflicting feelings.

The endearment "bacche" slipped from his lips, a tender reminder of the bond they once shared. It was a word that held the weight of their shared history, of laughter and tears, of love and pain.

His apology was not just a mere utterance; it was a plea for forgiveness, a recognition of the hurt he had caused her. It was an acknowledgment of the pain he had inflicted, both intentionally and unintentionally.

In that moment, as she sat there with her hand tightly clasped in his, she realized that the answer to her unspoken questions lay not in words but in the depth of his remorse. But it wasn't his fault too, but still his apology was the answer she had been searching for, the balm that would soothe the wounds of her heart,because in the world she only expected things from him and he unknowingly broked all.

As tears welled up in her eyes, she nodded slightly, her voice choked with emotion.

"Why?" she whispered, her heart pounding in her chest like a drum.

He met her gaze, his own eyes filled with regret and sorrow. "For all the pain I gave you, for all the things I turned deaf ears to," he began, his voice thick with emotion. "I don't know what happened two years ago, but what I know is, it was related to me somehow, and you bore the greatest impact."

He paused, taking a deep breath, as if steeling himself for the words that followed. "So for all the pain, hurt, everything, I am sorry, bacche. Your Arsal failed you."

The words hung in the air between them, heavy and unspoken. She looked at him closely, her eyes searching his face for a glimmer of understanding, a hint of the man she had once loved. A man she still loves.

As she kept looking at  him, her heart swelled with a mix of relief, gratitude, and hesitation. Before her stood Arsal, her oldest friend, the one who had always been there for her, her savior in times of need. His eyes, filled with genuine remorse, reflected the depth of his apology. She could sense that his words came from the core of his heart, a sincere expression of regret for any pain he had caused her.

In that moment, she felt a wave of genuine care wash over her. It was a feeling she had missed, a feeling that had been absent for far too long. His apology was not just a formality; it was an acknowledgment of their shared history, their deep connection. It was a promise to be better, to cherish their friendship, and never take it for granted again.

Arsal can see her eyes. They were dead a few moments before they were now alive again. They were showing the emotions they were lacking before.

Ayat didn't say anything. She sat there, finally letting her eyes speak through tears. Sometimes, she hasn't done it in a long time. Arsal sat there, letting her cry it out. The way her eyes were continuously flowing was scaring him, yet giving him relief. He is unknown, unknown to what happened in those 2 weeks when he wasn't here. But whatever happened was surely something that this little girl who was once jolly, once laughing all, is now silent.

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