1. Rules

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Hey guys! This story is based off of season 4 Reid just because he's like my favorite.

Just a fair warning, this story can be a bit much so I'll leave warnings at the top of each chapter.

Warnings: abuse, slavery


Another loud slap echoed around the house along
with a thud of Spencer falling to the ground.

Spencer was laying helplessly on the wooden floor looking up at the evil man staring down at him in satisfaction.

The man began walking in circles around Spencer, Spencer staying in his position unable to move.

Spencer's hand lightly traced his cheekbone and winced when it went over his bruises. When he tried to stand up, unbearable pain shot to his stomach. He slumped back down in helplessness.

This made the man laugh. "Oh the things I could do to you." He grinned and returned in front of Spencer, his feet in between Spencer's legs.

The man raised his leg back, about to return it in between Spencer's legs.

Spencer looked up at the threat in fear. "No. Don't. Please!"

The man ignored his pleads and kicked him with all his strength in Spencer's crouch.

Spencer's scream was so loud it could've broken glass in the kitchen. He clamped his legs together and reached his hand down to cup his crouch, rolling around on the floor.

The pain minimized after a few moments, but he continued to roll back and forth on the floor in pain.

The man laughed at the sight and kneeled to the ground beside him, pulling his hair so his head levitated above the ground. Spencer's eyes went straight to his, them still in fear.

The man tilted his head while holding Spencer's gaze. He grinned and said: "This is what happens when you don't call me when you're going to be home late."

"I had our special night planned and then you return home hours later in a pissy mood without even explaining yourself?" The man pulled Spencer's hair harder, causing him to squeal.

"I'm sorry!" Spencer gasped, still catching his breath. "It won't happen again!"

"You're goddamn right it won't. Because if it does, I won't be this friendly next time." The man threatens and let goes of Spencer's hair.

Spencer gulps then lays back on the floor panting. He looks up at his boyfriend as he puts on his jacket. That's right- boyfriend. From day one, this evil man tricked Spencer into thinking he was a good person and after a couple months, he showed Spencer who he really is. Spencer clearly doesn't want to be in the relationship anymore, but he doesn't have a choice. He moved in here when he trusted that his boyfriend meant everything to him. After this, his boyfriend took the chance to control Spencer. Spencer must follow each and every rule of his or he will get beat or worse.

"Enzo, where are you going?" Spencer asks.

"To go take a hit." Enzo responds. "Now go up to our room, you look like shit. I want you to have enough energy for what we're going to do tomorrow."

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Spencer dares to ask.

"You know the rules. I'll tell you if I want to tell you. If not, you don't ask you just follow. Is that clear?" Enzo starts approaching Spencer with dominance.

"Yes it's clear, I'm sorry."

It's another rule that Spencer must apologize when breaking the rules.

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