3. Good Boy

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Warnings - bondage, sexual slavery, praise kink

This chapter contains smut !!!


Spencer held in his gulp as he processed what Enzo was holding. And what Enzo could do to him with them. Just the thought made Spencer want to run out, but he wouldn't dare to.

"No good evening in return? Well I guess this will be a lot more fun than I imagined." Enzo's grin was mischievous.

Spencer may be able to hold back a gulp but he couldn't hold back the fear in his eyes which Enzo noticed.

"Don't be scared Spencie. This will be fun." Enzo said and motioned him forward.

Spencer obliged and walked forward slowly. He took off his bag and set it down.

Enzo looked up and down his figure, the mischief going to his eyes.

Spencer wasn't coming close enough to him so Enzo walked forward. He got so close to Spencer that he started backing up until he hit the wall. Enzo locked eyes with Spencer as he closed the door.

He continued to walk closer and closer to Spencer but he couldn't move back any further so he just stayed put, pushing his body as much as it could against the wall.

Enzo towered over him. Although Spencer is tall (6'1), Enzo still managed to be a few inches taller. Enzo grabbed his waist and flushed his body against Spencer's.

He examined Spencer's face. From his cute little nose to his seductive lips.

With no warning, Enzo crashed his lips against Spencer's. His eyes stayed wide open and then he relaxed into it, knowing that if he didn't act comfortable with all of this, he would be punished.

The kiss was intense, Enzo's hands going straight to undo Spencer's tie.

Enzo broke the kiss for a moment to pull Spencer's tie and waistcoat off over his head, and then immediately went back to the full on make out.

Enzo's erection pressed against Spencer's lower stomach. He unbuttoned the top few buttons on Spencer's shirt, already leaving a good portion of his chest exposed. Spencer stopped him and pulled away from Enzo as much as he could.

"I don't want it off." Spencer said, brave enough to get it out.

Enzo looked at him in his "are you disobeying me?" face.

"I don't want my clothes off this time." Spencer said. "I'll do whatever you want a different night, I swear. Please let me keep them on."

Enzo searched Spencer's pleading eyes before shaking his head. "Fine. But only because you asked so nicely. But you better believe you'll do whatever I want."

"Thank you."

Of course saying "thank you" whenever Enzo does something decent is a rule.

"Now turn around." Enzo ordered and Spencer turned around, his body now against the wall.

Enzo took both of Spencer's wrists and handcuffed them tight. He then moved down to his ankles, handcuffing them just as tight together.

"Turn back around." Enzo said.

Spencer tried to turn around but couldn't because of his ankles being tied.

"God you're useless." Enzo turned Spencer around so he was facing him.

"Get on your knees."

Spencer just stood there for a moment.

"Now." Enzo ordered in his serious tone.

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