16. The Date

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Spencer and Derek both got ready. They walked out to the center of their room and took in each others appearances.

Spencer was wearing a bow tie and a tux while Derek was wearing a tie and a tux. they both looked really put together and attractive.



They both couldn't take their eyes off each other. "You look amazing." They both said at the same time, and continued their gazing.

Spencer finally took his eyes off to look at his watch. "Our reservation is in fifteen, we should get going."

Derek nodded and held out his hand. Spencer took it in his own and they walked to the elevator.

On the way out the lobby they passed JJ and Emily. "Well don't you two look nice." JJ commented.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Emily joked and everyone laughed.


Once the two of them arrived at the dinner place they were seated at a table for the two of them in the very fancy restaurant.

Derek admired Spencer. "Spencer."

Spencer immediately took his attention up to Derek. Derek never calls him Spencer. It's always Reid or pretty boy.

"I don't think you understand how lucky I am to be here with you tonight."

Spencer blushed and Derek noticed. "Thanks." Spencer looked down all shy.

"Hey, eyes up here." Derek said and Spencer looked back up. "I'm serious. I'm the luckiest guy on earth."

Spencer couldn't do anything but smile. No one has ever said something this kind to him. "No one's ever thought of me that strongly."

Derek laughed. "Well there's a first for everything." He paused. "So this restaurant, it was your favorite as a kid?"

"Well actually it was my mom's favorite. Growing up, she'd always make me go here. And obviously as a kid I hated dressing up and going to fancy restaurants. But I grew into it overtime and whenever I visit her we always come here to remember all the good times." Spencer explained.

"That's so sweet." Derek blushed and then ruined the moment. "Speaking of which, where is she?"

"She's here but not at her apartment. She's at the place she stays to get extra help with her-" Spencer started to get sad.

"Don't say it. You don't have to. Sorry I asked." Derek felt bad about reminding Spencer.

"It's okay." Spencer looked down, holding in tears.

"Let's talk about something else." Derek wanted to quickly change the subject.

"Like what?" Spencer asked.

"Hmm." Derek thought. "What do you like watching?"

"I actually like watching shows where they really get into the statistics of-"

"I'm just going to stop you right there." Derek said. "Any shows maybe I would like too?"

"Schitt's Creek."

"I love that show! Okay we're watching that tonight." Derek smiled followed by Spencer.

Soon enough the food followed by the bill later.

"Will it be two separate checks?" The waiter asked.

"No just one, I'll cover it." Derek said.

"What? No I'm not going to let you do that." Spencer said.

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