10. Hard to Get

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Warning - threats


Spencer parked his car and met up with his team outside of the bar.

It was pitch black and the bar was crowded with guys partying. Flashing lights managed to shine outside of the bar and the walls didn't stop the noise from booming outside.

"Okay so here's the plan, Spence." JJ said. "We're all going to be outside of the bar watching the security cameras."

"I want Morgan in there in case of emergency and the rest of us will stay out here." Hotch said.

"So I just walk in there, look for the unsub and flirt with him?" Spencer asked. "What if he's not even here?"

"Oh he's here alright." Garcia said, holding her computer. "We saw him walk in. Good luck boy wonder."

Spencer smiled and then started to walk in with Morgan.

"Be careful." Morgan said to Spencer before they split up.

Spencer looked around, trying to see through the crowds of guys grinding on each other and partying.

Multiple guys were trying to grab his hips as he pushed through them. He tried to avoid them as much as possible.

"Looking for someone cutie?" An attractive man practically yelled to Spencer over all the noise.

"No, just trying to get to the bathroom." Spencer said then continued trying to push past people.

"Why don't I join you?" He asked with a suggestive smile.

"Not interested, sorry." Spencer shot him down and pushed through the crowds, managing to get out of his view.

Once he finally got through all of the guys trying to flirt and grind on him, he stood in front of the bar. He saw the unsub sitting at the bar. Spencer turned around and saw Derek at the other side of the bar.

A bunch of guys were talking to him, clearly interested. Derek mouthed to him: 'you got this' and gave him a thumbs up.

Spencer nodded, turned back around and sat next to the unsub.

The unsub immediately looked over at Spencer, giving him a good look up and down.

He had a drink in front of him and was clearly older. Even older than Enzo who is 33. Spencer is 27.

The unsub examined him for awhile before saying: "Here alone?"

Spencer nodded.

"Well we're going to have to change that." The unsub made a mischievous smile. "I'm Marcus."

"I'm Spencer." Spencer responded.

"So long day of work?" Marcus asked.

"Actually no. I had today off." Spencer said. "You?"

"Yeah. It's why I came here." Marcus took a sip of his drink. "You gonna order a drink? I'll happily get one for you." He motioned the bartender over.

"Could he get a drink?" He asked. "Vodka?"

Spencer furrowed his eyebrows. "Vodka?? I was planning on driving home."

"You could always come home with me." Marcus grinned.

Spencer wanted to throw up in his mouth but kept it together. "Maybe..." He said in a convincing tone.

"You playing hard to get?" Marcus asked. "Because I can play. And not only in that way." He continued his grin.

Spencer returned it. "I'd love to see what other way you're talking about."

Marcus scooted his seat closer to Spencer and rested his hand on his thigh. Spencer could tell this was making his team nervous.

Marcus slid his hand up further while maintaining eye contact with Spencer. He palmed Spencer's clothed dick, Spencer resisting the urge to moan.

"No one will hear you over all the noise in here. Make as much noise as you want, sweetheart." Marcus encouraged and started to trace his fingers around Spencer's dick.

"You know, I've always liked to go for younger men. Like you. It makes me feel in control." Marcus started to trace his tip.

Spencer gripped Marcus' wrist and Marcus made a mischievous agape smile, loving the tension.

"Save it for the bedroom." Spencer made a move.

Excitement was brought to Marcus' eyes. "Oh so you do want to come home with me."

Spencer nodded and the bartender dropped off his shot of vodka. He picked it up and downed it.

Marcus ordered him a few more as they continued to flirt.

"You know, I've seen a lot of attractive men here...but you? Let's just say you're one goddamn sight."

"Thanks." Spencer smiled as dirty as he could.

Marcus looked into Spencer's eyes and decided he couldn't take it anymore. "Wanna go dance?"

"Sure." Spencer said and got up after finishing his fifth shot of vodka. At this point he was really drunk. So was Morgan. Spencer noticed it from the other side of the bar.

Marcus dragged Spencer along through the crowds and crowds of people. Once he decided they were in a great spot, the middle of all the crammed people, they started dancing. The music was extremely upbeat and were cussing songs. The lights flashing around the room was nearly blinding.

Marcus spun Spencer around and rested his hands on Spencer's hips, pressing his ass to Marcus' dick.

Marcus started grinding, Spencer almost able to hear his moans through all the noise and music.

He started grinding harder and faster, him getting needy. His hard dick was moving in a fast pace, nearly into Spencer's ass.

Marcus wanted more so he stopped and turned Spencer back around. "So...wanna do what we were talking about?"

"And what was that?" Spencer smirked.

"Come home with me, go to my bedroom and see where it goes from there." Marcus smirked in return.

Spencer nodded and they went to leave the bar. Spencer motioned to Morgan that he was about ready.

Marcus led Spencer into his car and they closed the doors. "Mind if I tie you up? I would just love to see you restrained. It would really spice things up."

Spencer smiled then said: "Actually you're going to be the one restrained."

"Huh?" Marcus asked confused and then Derek opened the car door.

He pulled Marcus out and handcuffed him.

"What the fuck!" Marcus yelled to Spencer as Derek guided him to the SUV the rest of their team was waiting in.

"We know what you've been doing to guys you take home, Marcus." Spencer said, walking with them.

"What?? I didn't-"

"Don't even try to deny it." Spencer said.

Marcus rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you tricked me. And that you're a fed ??" Derek started to seat Marcus in the SUV.

"I'm going to kill you!" Marcus yelled out to Spencer. "But first I'm going to do unspeakable things to you. I'll find you! Do you hear me? I know who you are! I'll find you!!"

Derek closed the door on him and the team in the car gave Spencer a 'good job' smile and drove off.

It was just Derek and Spencer standing next to the parking lot next to the bar. They were both still drunk as hell.

"So...wanna go back in there and dance?" Morgan asked, only being this bold because he's wasted.

Spencer nodded and they walked back in.


This was a fun chapter to write hehe. Are Spencer and Derek finally going to confess there feelings? Or do something else...get ready for the next chapter to find out!

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