19. Spenzo's Love Story

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The next morning Spencer slept into about 11 am, he didn't have work today and he didn't go to bed last night until about 2:30 am.

The sunlight filled the room, Spencer's exhausted eyes refusing to open.

He was awake but refused to get up. He was in far too much pain to even think about sitting up.

He finally opened his eyes, squinting from the brightness of the sun. He lifted up the covers a bit and then his pj shirt. It revealed a large bruise forming on his stomach. He then looked the other place he was assaulted then quickly put it back down with his eyes wide open. That's going to hurt, he thought.

He seriously needed some help getting up though but would not let himself call for Enzo. He began to lift himself up with his hands but the pain shot to his stomach again. The yelp traveled to downstairs.

Spencer tried to remain silent the rest of the way downstairs. It took a while and was a struggle, but he managed. He rubbed his eyes as he walked into the kitchen crouched over, holding his stomach.

Enzo put his coffee down. "I could hear you from down here."

"Yeah I wonder why that is." Spencer said with sarcasm as he continued to struggle walking to the fridge.

"Enlighten me." Enzo teased.

"Gee I don't know, maybe the pain from the torture you inflicted on me last night." Spencer said with sass.

"Looks like I hit a nerve." Enzo laughed and sipped his coffee. "Oh I'm sorry did you want some?"

Spencer closed the fridge and nodded.

As Enzo made coffee for Spencer, Spencer got a text from Derek that read: "Are you free today?"

"I know I don't have work today but my coworkers are doing a get together, can I go?" Spencer asked politely.

"Drink your coffee first." Enzo placed it on the table.

Spencer nodded and sat down with Enzo.

"I know you don't like me asking questions but I can't help it. You don't tell me anything." Spencer said then blew at his hot coffee.

"You can ask me some questions as long as you don't ask the one from last night." Enzo said.

Spencer thought about which one to ask first. "I know you but I feel that I don't actually know you, if
that makes sense." Spencer tried to explain and it confused Enzo.

"Am I the first person you've done this to?" Spencer asked. "You know, met them somewhere special, made them think they were special, took them on dates, told them you loved them and then kidnapped them? Or was that only to me?" Spencer explained what Enzo did to him.

Enzo scoffed. "Not exactly that, no." He thought back. "There have been others but nothing like this."

"Can you explain?" Spencer's curiosity growing.

"There was two before you. But after I met them I set them in a trap and only captured them for a few days. I didn't date them for two months, I didn't tell them I loved them, and I didn't keep them for nearly as long as you. Only for a few days." Enzo explained.

"So then how am I different?" Spencer sipped his coffee.

"It took a couple tries before I found the right person I was looking for."

"Why me? How am I the right person you were looking for?" Spencer asked.

"You're everything I want in a guy for this. Matter fact, you fit my type so perfectly I kept dating you for as long as I wanted before doing this and showing you who I really am. That's why I led you on for those two months."

"Yeah that really hurt by the way." Spencer thought back on it.

He remembers the day he met Enzo, the way he looked at him. No guy had ever looked at Spencer that way at the time. He asked Spencer out on dates, and made him feel like the luckiest guy on earth. Enzo asked him out to dinner and that night asked Spencer to be his boyfriend. They spent nearly everyday together, they were so close. Spencer realized he was falling in love. For Valentine's Day, Enzo brought Spencer a box of chocolates and in it were the tickets Enzo bought for the two of them to the Bahamas. Spencer's whole face lightened with joy like never before as he threw his arms around Enzo. On the trip, they did something special each day. They took walks on the beach, swam in the pool, walked around town to observe and enjoy the different culture. Each night they would go somewhere different for dinner, each place having an amazing selection of food. Then on the last night of the trip, Enzo and Spencer watched the sunset, curled up in a blanket together.

"It's beautiful." Spencer gazed into the sky.

"You're beautiful." Enzo said and they looked into each other's eyes under the multi colored beautiful dark sky.

Enzo cupped Spencer's face in his hand, the rest of the world going blank. As if everything bad in the world had disappeared and it was just the two of them brightening the sky.

"I love you." Tears built up in Enzo's eyes.

A tear ran down Spencer's cheek, those three words he never imagined would be said to him. Spencer reached for Enzo's face as well. "I love you too."

Spencer and Enzo kissed beneath the newly born stars, tears running down into the kiss of passion like never before.

What Spencer didn't know, was that was the last real kiss they would ever have.

The day they got back from the trip, the next day, Enzo set up a plan to kidnap Spencer. And it sure did work. He revealed his true self and Spencer grew scared of him. Everything they had ever felt for each other was a lie. Spencer was never special. He was never loved. He was used by this awful man he thought was his soulmate.

The first time Enzo beat Spencer was the worst. Yes, Spencer had experienced beatings before from his mother, but for it to started happening again and with the man who tricked him...it was awful.

The beatings became a regular thing, the rules were implanted and Spencer learned how to respect Enzo and listen.

And here they are now, a year and four months later.

Spencer made himself snap out of the thoughts, remembering all that would make him cry again. Spencer met eyes with Enzo.

"You broke my heart." Spencer said firmly. "And what for? Just for your own enjoyment. You could never even begin to understand how that made me feel."

Enzo gulped and looked away. Spencer seeing him not demanding or angry from Spencer raising his voice at him confused Spencer.

Enzo just simply looked away and didn't talk.

"We're done here." Spencer slammed his coffee on the table. He fought through the pain of walking out and left with confidence.

Enzo watched him walk out. He was impressed by the sudden confidence which he had never really seen in Spencer before. Enzo felt something that he always had struggled to feel. He felt sorry for Spencer. Enzo felt that he needed to tell Spencer he's sorry, but he knows that as of right now, that was impossible for him. He's not sorry enough to stop, but hearing Spencer say that made him realize for the first time how horrible what he did was.

He just sat there thinking about Spencer. If only Spencer knew.


This chapter was really exciting to write. I hope everyone else is enjoying it! If so please comment or leave a vote!

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