23. Suicide Mission

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Early the next day, Spencer reported to the briefing room and explained to everyone what had happened.

"What if he's bluffing?" JJ suggested. "I mean how could Terry possibly know that Spence is the one who put Marcus away?"

"JJ's right, this could all just be a set up." Emily agreed.

"But why would he lie about that?" Rossi asked.

"To get under Reid's skin." Derek answered. "He probably just wanted to scare Spencer off the case."

"We'll it's working." Spencer said. "He did scare me, that's for sure."

"Spencer, he's locked up, there's nothing to be scared about." Derek tried to make him feel better.

"There's his brother to be scared about." Spencer said. "Both of them, I may add. Who knows what happened to Alex." Spencer paused then thought about the whole thing. "I don't want to end up like those victims. And we all know it will be worse for me."

"Spencer that won't happen. We'll do everything we can to keep you safe." Derek gave a comforting smile. Reid smiled back, feeling better.

Garcia interrupted. "Come hither, you might want to check this out."

Everyone gathered around the computer. "Terry has claimed his next victim." Everyone looked at it in shock.

Garcia stood up and projected the images on the screen. Everyone looked up at them.

"31 year old man, bitten and liver taken out." Garcia presented. Everyone had the same sickening face from the images.

Spencer observed something else though. He squinted his eyes at a particular part of the image. "Garcia, zoom in on that." Spencer pointed.

Garcia zoomed in on a piece of paper sticking out of what was left of his pocket.

"We're going to need to get a better look at that." Spencer said.

"Everyone in the SUV." Hotch ordered.


Once they arrived at the crime scene, they all followed Hotch over to the body. Spencer put on a pair of plastic gloves and carefully picked up the piece of paper. Everyone crowded around as he opened it.

Dr. Reid-
Watch your back.

Looking at the words, Spencer froze.

"TM?" Rossi asked.

"Terry Morales." Derek answered.

Spencer still didn't move so Derek bent down and got Spencer up. "Let's go kid." They all followed back to the SUV.


Everyone sat in the briefing room not talking.

"So what's the plan?" Emily broke the silence.

"Clearly Terry has a plan and wants us to know that." Hotch said. "We'll just wait for his next move. Or wait for him to come to us."

"Woah, wait a minute." All attention went to Spencer. "I don't want to put everyone in this entire building in danger just for me. I know you guys want to protect me. But I don't want him to have to kill every one of you to get to me. Because believe me, he will."

"Reid, I understand that. But we're not going to let you go solo." Hotch said.

"That's the only way he's going to attack, if I'm alone."

"That's not necessarily true." Hotch said.

"But it is, and you all know that." Reid looked down. "I don't want to be on patrol 24/7. I'd rather just get this all over with."

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