9. Downtown Date

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Spencer woke up to his phone ringing. The sunlight filled the room from the window.

Spencer opened his eyes and saw that his head was on Enzo's chest, along with his hand on his chest. He had drooled a little on Enzo's shirt. Enzo's arm was around Spencer and he was laying on his back.

Spencer stayed in his position, he couldn't move because of Enzo's huge arm keeping him down. His biceps were so huge he probably wouldn't even be able to move them.

Spencer answered the call. "Hello Hotch."

"Good morning Spencer." Hotch responded on the other end of the line. "Sorry I had to call this early, I assumed you would already be awake."

"Oh well I wasn't." Spencer said in his raspy morning voice.

"Oh." Hotch paused. "Well anyways, I was just calling you to let you know you don't need to come in this morning. We figured out that the unsub is going to be going to Bar Louise tonight to get his next victim. We were hoping since you fit his type: late 20s, brunette and well...gay... We wanted you to go in tonight so hopefully he'll chose you and then we'll catch him when the two of you are leaving." Hotch explained. "Is that something you are willing to do?"

"If it means catching this unsub then yes." Spencer said.

"Alright then meet us outside of Bar Louise at 9 p.m." Hotch said and then hung up.

Spencer put his phone down and rested his head back down on Enzo's chest.

Enzo had woken up, petting Spencer's hair. "Good morning baby."

"Morning." Spencer whispered, his morning voice still raspy.

"How's your stomach and thigh?" Enzo asked

"They're healing."

"I'll change the bandages for you and clean it up more once we get up." Enzo said.

"Thank you." Spencer kept his head on Enzo's chest and looked up at him.

"God you're adorable." Enzo looked into Spencer's eyes. His grip tightened around Spencer, wanting to hold him close.

Spencer made his half smile then looked back down.

They stayed like that for a bit before Spencer started to get up, Enzo moving his arm.

"What are doing?"

"Turning off my alarm." Spencer said and stood up to turn it off.

He stood there in his boxers, Enzo staring again.

He then looked at Spencer's bandages. "Let's change those." Enzo said and got up.

He then noticed the little bit of drool on his tank top, the outline of his abs showing through it and his biceps coming out. "Seriously Spencer?"

"Oops." Spencer said.

Enzo laughed. "Dreaming about me?"

"No, but you dreamed about me." Spencer said.

"How did you know?" Enzo asked.

"I'm a profiler. I always know." Spencer said and started following Enzo to the bathroom.

He sat down on the closed toilet while Enzo dug around in the cabinet under the sink.

Enzo grabbed the first aid kit and set down. He slowly peeled the bandages off of Spencer's stomach and the one on his thigh, being sure not to be too harsh.

Enzo took out the ointment and put some on a cotton ball and started dabbing it on the wound on Spencer's stomach.

The stinging sensation slammed into Spencer like a train. He screamed for a few seconds.

"Shhh!" Enzo's free hand went to cover Spencer's mouth. "Quit being such a baby."

Enzo removed his hand from Spencer's mouth after he was done screaming.

"Hey, you're the one who gave me this!" Spencer yelled.

Enzo looked up at him with his intimidating stare.

"Um I meant sorry for screaming sir." Spencer corrected himself.

Enzo smirked then looked back down at his wound. Once he was done dabbing up both, he put one big bandage on Spencer's stomach and a smaller one on his thigh.

Enzo stood up once he finished. "What do you want to do today?"

The question took Spencer by surprise. Enzo would never ask him what he wanted to do, Enzo would always chose for them.

"Go to the library." Spencer responded.

"You're so nerdy." Enzo laughed. "It's cute."

Spencer smiled and then walked into the bedroom to get ready.

He put on a button up, tie and cardigan, wanting to be cozy.

Enzo put on the usual tank that he would nearly burst out of with his abs and muscles, and then a leather jacket.

The two of them walked downtown to the library, the cold breeze making Spencer shiver. He crossed his arms on his body, trying to keep himself warm. He was glad he wore the cardigan.

Enzo noticed and put his arm around Spencer's waist, pulling him close as they walked. Spencer was almost resting his head into Enzo's chest. The warmth felt so nice.

When they entered the library, the warm air took over them both, them nearly taking a deep breath in joy.

Spencer spent about an hour searching through the book store, picking out every single one that caught his eye.

Enzo grew impatient so he called his friends over to take a hit with him outside.

When Spencer was done, he checked out all of the books and held the bag as he walked out.

He went to the back of the bookstore through an alley to the dumpsters.

That's where Enzo and his four friends were. The friends were: Lucas, Jack, Massimo, and Nick. They were all high as fuck.

They looked over at Spencer, already laughing about god knows what.

"Aw if it isn't Enzo's little boyfriend!" Nick yelled, followed by a bunch of loud laughs.

They were all stumbling around with the craziest smiles on their faces. They looked and dressed dangerous just like Enzo. They were also really musty.

"Here to continue your little romantic date?" Jack made fun of them.

Spencer just looked at them intimidated.

"What you scared of, sunshine?" Lucas asked and clapped in his face, Spencer flinching.

"Man, this little nugget is just your type Enzo! A little dorky, scrawny and adorable!!" Massimo described.

They had all met him before, a few times whenever Enzo hangs out with them and Spencer is around.

"Can I steal him?" Massimo asked.

"Are you gay?" Enzo asked, rhetorically.

"No, but I am for him." Massimo looked back over at Spencer with a mischievous grin.

Spencer looked at him and gulped.

"Aw look at him in his little cardigan!" Nick joked and it was followed by their laughs.

"Okay that's enough of that." Enzo tried to hold back his laughs with them. "Let's go." Enzo walked over to Spencer and turned him around, holding his hand as they walked away.

"Awwwwww!" Spencer and Enzo heard them laugh behind them.

They stopped to get coffee for Spencer before going back home.

At home, Spencer sorted out his books, excited to start reading.

With his eidetic memory and ability to read 20,000 words per minute, he finished a few books before it was time to go.

At about 8:30, he said goodbye to Enzo, Enzo telling him to be careful and drove over.


I know, I know. Boring chapter. It'll all be worth it next chapter!

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