5. Fooled

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Spencer continued to just stand there unable to move. Only thoughts and scenarios ran through his head about what would happen when he arrived home.

"Reid, you okay?" Morgan asked.

Spencer snapped out of it for a moment. "Yeah, I just need to make a call."

Spencer excused himself. He went into the next room, closing the door behind him. His fingers shook as he dialed Enzo's number.

As the phone buzzed waiting for a response, Spencer's heart beat quickened to the extreme and he could've probably accidentally dropped his phone by how much his hands were shaking.

Finally a voice answered. "Good evening to my own personal sex toy! Running a bit late now are we?"

"Enzo, I'm really sorry! The case just-" Spencer started to explain himself.

"I'm going to stop you right there. I said don't be back here any later than midnight and here you are calling me from work past midnight." Enzo said.

"Well last time I didn't call and I paid for that." Spencer said.

"Like you'll pay for this." Enzo said, his voice turning dark. "Now get your ass back home and maybe, just maybe I won't be too harsh with you."

Spencer's eyebrows knit together in fear. "No! Please. Please don't hurt me."

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't."

"Because I actually called letting you know how sorry I am. And because I'm going to make it up to you." Spencer started pacing around the room.

"You're goddamn right you will. Now get home so I can think of what punishment to give to you." Enzo said.

Spencer gulped and walked back into the room with his co-workers.

"Okay bye." Spencer said.

"Wait is that Enzo?" JJ asked.

"Oh my god Enzo! Tell him to join us at the bar!" Garcia said.

Enzo was still on the line hearing all of this. "You know, that actually does sound pretty fun." Enzo said over the phone and everyone heard.

"Great! See you there!" Garcia cheered.

Spencer gulped with the phone held up at his ear. "See you there Spencer!" Enzo said in his fake peppy voice.

Boy he had them all fooled. Just like he fooled Spencer.


At the bar, the team was all gathered already taking shots. Everyone seemed to be having a blast except Spencer who was just standing their in nervousness.

When Enzo arrived everyone got all happy. "Enzo!" Garcia yelled and went in for the usual hug.

Enzo kept his extra smiley face on as he hugged JJ as well.

"Good to see you again." JJ said.

After hugging Emily, Enzo turned to Spencer.

"Hey babe!" Enzo pecked Spencer on the lips and kept an arm around his shoulder.

Spencer simply just looked down. Knowing that all Enzo wanted to do was torture him was making him go insane.

With Enzo's free arm, he went to shake Derek's hand. "Good to see you buddy."

Derek shook it but didn't even make eye contact with Enzo or say anything back. This made Enzo curious.

"So you're the one responsible for Spencer getting here late?" JJ laughed, interrupting Enzo's suspicions.

Enzo looked down at Spencer and then back over at JJ. "Guilty as charged."

The three girls let out giggles.

"Oh you two are such a cute couple!" Garcia said, them all looking at Enzo's arm around Spencer's shoulder, causing his head to rest lightly against Enzo's chest.

Enzo laughed and looked back down at Spencer who was still looking down in nervousness. Enzo observed it and that made him smile. He of course covered his mischievous smile up with an innocent one.

"Aw looks like Spencer's a little sleepy. Don't drift away on me yet sleepyhead! We still have a whole night ahead of us." Enzo traced Spencer's jawline with his fingers ever so gently.

JJ and Emily laughed while Garcia enjoyed the sight. "Ugh you two are just precious. Well we might want to leave you guys alone." Garcia said.

Morgan just squinted at Enzo. It wasn't just any look he was giving him though. It was a look of someone who wanted someone else dead.

Enzo noticed Derek looking at him that way which only made Enzo grow more confused.

"Come on hot stuff! Dance with me!" Garcia dragged Morgan away from them.

JJ and Emily just stayed there.

"Well Spencer could use a good night sleep and so could I." Enzo said. "I think we should call it a night. You ladies have fun!"

"Oh we will alright." Emily smirked at JJ, JJ returning the look.

Enzo furrowed his brows in confusion and then walked away.

Enzo continued playing the nice guy everyone thought he was until him and Spencer made it to the car.

Enzo slammed Spencer against the car with all his force. Spencer's back ached in pain.

"Ow!!" Spencer yelped.

"If you think that's bad, just wait until you find out what I'm going to do to you when we get home." Enzo said, already imagining the fantasy. "Now get in the mother fucking car."

Spencer looked up at him in fear and then got in the passenger seat.

Enzo jumped into the driver's seat and then began to drive them home.

"Enzo, I didn't-" Spencer broke the silence by trying to explain himself.

"Quiet. Nothing you say will make me not enjoy what I'm going to do to you." Enzo's darkness appeared again.

Spencer looked back in front of him out the window, not being able to look at the man who was about to beat him senseless.

"And don't think I'm only going to be beating you because you were late." Enzo said.

"What's the other reason?" Spencer asked.

"You told Morgan."


Next chapter will be funnn. Well for us, not for poor Spencer. Look at the warnings before reading!

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