26. The Real Villain

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Hey everyone...sorry it's been so long. I got a ton of requests for an update so it persuaded me to get back into writing this again. Well, here's the long awaited update!


Pulling into the driveway of Enzo's house, Terry had Spencer sitting in the passenger seat with his wrists tied and his mouth covered with duct tape.

"Let's go in now, shall we?" Terry turned off his car and went to the passenger door to let Spencer out. "For your sake, you better hope Enzo is here."

Spencer's was unable to talk, so he just let Terry take him out of the car, and walk him up to the door.

Terry rang the doorbell, and waited on the porch with Spencer.

After a few seconds, Enzo opened the door to see a guy he doesn't know, and Spencer with his wrists tied and mouth covered.

"What the hell-" Enzo started.

"I would ask to come in, but I don't ask for things. I just do them." Terry smiled, mischievously. He took Spencer by the arm and pulled him into the house, walking past Enzo.

In confusion, Enzo closed the door and looked at Terry and Spencer, standing in the foyer.

"I'm only going to ask you this once. Who the hell are you and what are doing with Spencer?" Enzo asked dominantly, walking closer to Terry. Enzo towered over Terry. With his incredible height of 6'5, he had to be about seven inches taller than Terry.

Terry looked up at him, but showed no fear in his eyes; exactly the opposite.

"And I'm only going to ask you this once. Do you know Alex Morales?" Terry said right back.

The dominance vanished from Enzo's eyes as he looked away. Enzo clearly knew exactly who this was. He took a moment, then returned back to the look. "Who wants to know?"

"His brother." Terry referred to himself.

Enzo chuckled. "I knew one day something like this would happen."

"You mean you knew one day someone would come looking for Alex?? Of course someone would. And for you, it really sucks that that person is me." In the span of a second, Terry had grabbed the coat hanger beside him and as hard as he could, swung it right at Enzo.

Enzo's reflexes were double as fast, he stopped the coat hanger with his huge fist, right in front of his face. Terry watched as with one hand, Enzo broke the coat hanger in half. As silent as can be, Spencer's eyes widened from how impressive that move was.

In the same move, Enzo took his half of the coat hanger and copied Terry's move, but this time it actually followed through. Enzo's swing was so hard and fast, it knocked Terry right in the head before he could even react.

Terry fell over, his face in excruciating pain. he said nothing, he just looked up at Enzo. But this time, Enzo was towering over him even more, now that he was laying down.

Terry looked at Enzo's shoes take a few steps closer to him. His eyes trailed all the way up to Enzo's face.

Enzo looked down at him with satisfaction and pleasure. Terry reached for the coat hanger on the floor in front of him, but Enzo stepped on Terry's hands before he could. The knuckles breaking noise echoed around the house, causing Spencer to look away.

"Never. Ever. Try to test my strength again." Enzo said firmly.

His words were so powerful, Spencer shivered from across the room.

"Now that I have you where I want you, I can explain." Enzo said. "About three years ago, after one date, I took Alex hostage." Enzo explained. "But torturing him was boring. There was no spark...you know?"

Terry looked up at him in disgust.

"So I killed him." Enzo said so casually. "I took a knife and stabbed him right through his heart. It was a very satisfying motion." Enzo snickered.

Terry looked like he could cry. Psychopaths don't cry, but this is the closest Spencer's ever seen to one crying.

"I threw his body in some junkyard, I couldn't even tell you where, I didn't even care enough." Enzo was laughing like killing one of his victims was the funniest thing ever. "After Alex, I was determined to find a special someone who I thoroughly enjoyed torturing. Someone who I'd never get bored with." Enzo explained. "I went through a couple other guys until I found the right one." Enzo turned to look at Spencer. "Spencer."

Spencer gulped, wanting to say something, but unable to with the duct tape over his mouth.

Enzo turned back down to look at Terry to tell the story. "I dated Spencer for a little while before I cut straight to business. I was just having too much fun with him. I felt the spark with him. He will always be the guy I will have to do whatever I want with for the rest of my life." Enzo said. "But yeah, Alex is long gone. Spencer is just special. Alex never was." Enzo bent down to get closer to a worn out Terry. "I killed your brother. And enjoyed it." A huge smile formed on Enzo's face.

Terry took his non broken hand and managed to punch Enzo in the face. Enzo held his face in pain.

"Because of you, I turned into this! If Alex was still alive, I wouldn't be a serial killer! I wouldn't be a cannibal!!" Terry yelled up at him.

Enzo took his hand off of his face and laughed through the pain. "Hit me again, I dare you."

"I'll pass." Terry said. "I prefer hurting people who don't enjoy the pain."

Enzo laughed.

"Like Spencer. I was holding Spencer captive because him and his little FBI friends locked away my other brother, Marcus." Terry picked his head off the floor and stood up. He turned to look at Spencer. "I'm going to kill you. But first, I'm going to eat you alive." Terry threatened.

Spencer got even more scared than he already was.

Enzo stood up as tall as he could, with the most intimidating look he could ever give. "Listen to me very clearly when I say this." Enzo said, loud and clear. "The only person who gets to torture Spencer, is me." A new level of evil flashed into Enzo's eyes. Enzo formed a fist and drove it into Terry's face.

Terry fell back onto the floor, knocked unconscious.

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