21. Memories Turn To Nightmares

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Spencer and Enzo were laughing so hard they stumbled into the house. Spencer nearly fell over laughing and Enzo's ribs started to hurt from his laughter. He shut the door behind them as they dragged their suitcases in.

"That has to have been the funniest interaction we've ever had!" Spencer said in between his laughs.

"Yeah I mean people have thought we were best friends, brothers but never father and son!" Enzo burst into laughter.

"When we left the plane and the guy said to you "your son left this on the flight" I nearly died!" Spencer tried to catch his breath.

Spencer and Enzo had just gotten back to Enzo's house after their flight home from the Bahamas. They both had a nice tan, were still wearing shorts, button up short sleeves, and hats.

Spencer wrapped his arm around Enzo's shoulder and looked up at him. He fiddled with Enzo's hat on his head with his other hand. "God you look so sexy in this hat."

Enzo let out a chuckle and they kissed. After the kiss Enzo poked Spencer's nose and readjusted Spencer's hat. "And you look adorable in this hat."

Spencer smiled.

After a few moments Enzo said: "I smell horrible, I have to take a shower."

"So do I." Spencer said then excitement sparked to both of their eyes as they looked at each other. "I'll beat you up there!"

Spencer took off and ran up the stairs.

"No you won't!" Enzo yelled, shortly behind.

Enzo quickly caught up with Spencer. He grabbed Spencer around the waist and tickled him.

Spencer laughed and fell to the floor. Enzo also laughed and took this time to run in front of Spencer.

"Hey you cheater!" Spencer got up and ran into the bathroom Enzo beat him to.

"I won!" Enzo teasingly said.

"I think you mean you cheated." Spencer giggled.

"Excuses, excuses." Enzo smiled.

"Hey I'm still going to beat you into the shower." Spencer threw off his clothes and hopped in.

Enzo got in right after. "Damn it." He looked down at Spencer who was silently celebrating.

"Yep, that's right. I won. Not you, but me."

"Alright, alright. You won." Enzo smiled.

Spencer returned the smile and wrapped his arms around his shoulders and neck under the water.

They started kissing and Spencer moved down to give him neck kisses.

Enzo held his head in place, Spencer kissing all the right places.

"God I love you." Enzo moaned.

"I love you too." Spencer said and then they kissed again.

After the shower they both put on their pajamas and unpacked.

"I'm exhausted." Spencer said.

"Me too." Enzo said.

"I think I'm just going to finish packing in the morning." Spencer yawned.

"Okay me too I guess." Enzo said.

They both got in bed under the covers. They spooned; Spencer was the little spoon of course.

"Goodnight Enzo." Spencer had already closed his eyes.

"Goodnight Spencer." Enzo said into the back of Spencer's neck, taking in the fresh smell of the shampoo he used in his hair.

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