25. Hostage

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"Why the hell did Reid just escape through a window??" Emily asked, them all looking at the monitors in panic.

"I have no idea." Hotch said.

"And why the hell is he driving away in his car?" Rossi asked.

"I don't know." Hotch said.

"Where the hell is he going?" JJ asked.

"I also don't know." Hotch said and he stood up from looking at the cameras. "There's nothing we can do now though, he's well off the area. The guards are already being sent to look for him but it's unlikely they'll find him at this point."

Derek rushed back into the briefing room. "I heard a bunch of guards yelling and running and I don't think Spencer's in the bathroom anymore. What the hell happened?" He was out of breath, panting.

"What happened is you were supposed to be watching Reid and instead you let him get away." Hotch said firmly.

"What?? He got away? How?" Derek asked.

"There's a window he escaped from, hot chocolate." Garcia broke the news.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no." Derek started pacing in concern. "But why?? Why would he leave at a time like this??"

"Maybe it was a setup." Hotch said. "We know Terry couldn't get in here and know he wasn't here or else we would've saw it. He had to have done something to trigger Spencer to get up and leave."

"He had to have been threatened. Or maybe he threatened someone close to him." Emily suggested.

"Like his mom." Derek thought. "He had to have threatened his mom. I mean there's really nothing or no one else he could've threatened to make him leave so suddenly like that without even telling us."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Well whatever happened to make him leave isn't relevant anymore. He's gone and we have to assumed he's under Terry's control now. Our next move is figuring out where he could be." Hotch said.


Spencer opened up his car door to a a field with a small house. Woods surrounded it; there wasn't another house for miles. He had driven through a dirt road to get here; the address Terry had sent him. Slowly, he approached the house. Hesitant, he knocked on the wood door. A few moments later, Terry opened it.

"Welcome!" Terry said all excited. "Come on in!"

Spencer didn't say a word and slowly took a few steps into the house. He looked around, observing it.

Terry shut the door behind him and said: "Thank you for coming!"

"I sort of didn't have a choice." Spencer said.

Terry chuckled. "Don't you worry, your mother is just fine. You made the right choice, my friend."

"I'm not your friend!" Spencer blew up on him.

Terry laughed. "Damn. So this is the way you want to play this."

"You almost killed my mother. You also put my team's life in danger, along with killing and eating innocent people." Spencer said. "Since everything's a game to you unsubs, then yes. This is how I want to play this."

Terry smiled and nodded. "Just know that you asked for it." Terry Dodged forward and took a bite on Spencer's neck.

Spencer screamed at the sudden pain then slowly grew dizzy and passed out.


Spencer woke up in the kitchen in a chair. He rolled his head up to resting position and his vision began to become normal again. He looked down at his wrists which were chained to the chair. His ankles were also chained to the legs of the chair. He effortlessly yanked at them.

"Try to get out all you want, those restraints won't break. You're much too weak as it is."

Spencer looked over at Terry who was sitting across the room.

Spencer gulped then weakly said: "How long have you been sitting there?"

"Ever since I tied you up, so about three hours"

Spencer looked out the window with the blinds nearly closed. It was pitch black.

"Don't be creeped out or anything, I've only been watching you." Terry said.

Spencer's face grew scared and looked down.

"You are so boring!" Terry yelled. "This would be a lot more fun if you would actually talk."

"Yeah but that's just what you want." Spencer looked back up at Terry. "God my head is killing me. What the hell did you do to me?"

"Just drank enough blood for you to pass out. You're incredibly dehydrated." Terry explained.

"Are you some vampire?" Spencer asked.

"Vampire? Nah. Cannibal? Yes." Terry said.

"We profiled you as a cannibal, but cannibal's don't drink blood like that. They just eat body parts." Spencer described.

"Oh but I'm special." Terry said. "I haven't drank the blood of my other victim's, you would know. You're also special. You managed to lock my only brother left away. So I'm going to make you suffer."

Spencer started breathing fast and his heart pounded. All of it was too much work for him though, so his eyes started to roll back and his muscles grew weak.

"Please, I need water." Spencer whispered with his head rested completely back; unable to hold it up.

"I owe you nothing. After what you've done to my brother, I won't even show the tiniest bit of kindness." Terry said in an evil tone.

"My team will come for you. They will not stop until they find me and kill you. You chose the wrong person to mess with." Spencer got angry.

Terry let out a laugh. "It's cute that you think your teammates will find you. I'll tear apart each one of them before they even get a chance." Terry got in Spencer's face. "And I'd save the energy you have left if I were you."

Terry chuckled then turned his back to Spencer.

He felt as though he would pass out. But he couldn't, he knows he's stronger than that, regardless what Terry says.

"Alex." Spencer whispered under his breath.

Terry turned back to look at Spencer. "What did you just say?"

"Alex...tell me about him. Maybe I can help." Spencer was in and out of consciousness.

"Are you trying to make me hurt you? Bringing up my brother will easily do that." Terry said then paused before explaining. "One day Alex was happy as one can be, and the next he went missing, never to be found again."

"How long ago was this?" Spencer managed to get out.

"Gee I don't know, maybe three years ago." Terry said.

"Any other details that could help?" Spencer panted.

"He was on a date with some guy when it happened. We're all guessing he's the one who took him." Terry said.

Spencer thought long and hard. No way it could be-

"Enzo. I think that was his name." Terry guessed.

Ignoring how weak he was, his mouth dropped. "Enzo Petrov?"

"Do you know him?" Terry asked.

"Yes, I live with him." Spencer said then immediately regretted giving away that information.

Terry took a moment then stood up. He walked over to Spencer and took off his restraints and stood Spencer up. Terry helped Spencer out the door.

Spencer was wobbling all over, barely able to take steps in front of him. "Where are we going?" He asked under his breath.

"To your house to have a nice chat with Enzo." Terry said. "And you'll tell me where it is, or else we'll take the trip to your mother instead."

Spencer gulped and Terry shoved Spencer into the passenger seat, closing the door behind him.

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