11. The Kiss

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Warning - praise kink


Derek and Spencer walked back into the bar to dance. It was still as crowded as it was before, the music nearly deafening.

Guys were hoping all around, some partying and some grinding. There couldn't have been one sober guy in here.

Derek started dancing around in a goofy way and Spencer awkwardly stood there.

"Oh come on, kid. Let loose. We're both wasted anyway, might as well make the most of it." Morgan smiled, nearly tumbling over.

Spencer returned the wild smile and started dancing with him. Because of how tight it was from all the people, they proceeded to get closer and closer to each other.

They were nearly flushed against each other at this point. Morgan's muscular chest almost touching Spencer's lean body. They're heights were the exact same so they're faces were really close as well.

Morgan kept his smile which turned a little more mischievous as he looked down at Spencer's lips. Spencer bit his lip and looked into Derek's eyes noticing him watching.

"It's so sexy when you bite your lip like that." Derek commented, eyes finally drifting away from his lips and back into his eyes.

Spencer could feel his breath on his face they were so close. "Oh really?" Spencer licked his lips out of habit but then realized what he had just done.

"Don't do that." Derek said.

"Why not?" Spencer asked, his mouth slightly agape.

"Because it makes me want to do things I shouldn't do." Derek responded.

Spencer smiled, him now looking down at Derek's lips.

They continued to look at each other's lips then back into each other's eyes multiple times before Derek made a move.

He leaned in, Spencer meeting him halfway. It was a sweet kiss that lasted a few seconds.

Spencer pulled away, at this point their bodies were flushed against each other.

Derek searched Spencer's eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I just...didn't know you felt that way about me." Spencer said.

"Spencer, I've felt this way about you for the longest time. You have no idea how badly I've wanted to do that." Morgan said.

Spencer smiled. "Well then I'm guessing you don't want to stop."

"Hell no I don't." Derek said before he leaned back in.

It started out as a kiss again, Derek's hands moving up and down Spencer's sides.

Derek enhanced the kiss and they started making out passionately. Spencer's arms rested over Derek's shoulders. Derek ran his tongue along Spencer's bottom lip, Spencer letting him have full access to his mouth.

Derek slipped his tongue into his mouth and continued to do so each time they locked lips. Derek was controlling the kiss and Spencer let him.

Derek traced his hands up to his hair, running it through the back of it. He twirled his fingers in it a pulled gently.

Spencer moaned into Derek's mouth, Derek letting out a small laugh into the kiss. Derek smiled into the kiss before pulling back.

They lost all contact with each other, now being able to have space in between one another.

"You're one helluva good kisser, pretty boy." Derek praised. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to know."

Spencer gave in with the most pure smile he's given in the longest smile.

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