17. Caught!

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This morning, Spencer didn't wake up to his alarm, he woke up to a phone call.

He groaned and restlessly reached for his phone and saw it was Enzo. The sight of that startled Spencer. His arm shook as he slowly pressed answer and put his phone to his ear.

Spencer was too scared to speak so he waited for Enzo too.

"Are you going to say hello? Based on your loud breathing I can tell you are there."

Spencer did not miss Enzo's voice at all. He looked over at Derek sleeping and thought about how happy he's been lately because he hasn't been seeing Enzo. Hearing his voice takes Spencer back to how miserable he was just a few days ago.

"Hello." Spencer's voice cut in and out and was shaky.

"There he is!" Enzo said. "So Spencer, tell me. How have you been the last couple days you've decided to ignore me?"

Spencer gulped. He couldn't manage to get any words out.

"You know the rules. Call me each day you're away on a case and you haven't been doing that Spencie."

There was a long pause before Spencer managed to get out: "Sorry I just...I have um been busy. With the uh case and all."

"Mhm." Enzo was skeptical. "You're telling me you didn't even have a couple minutes each day to give me a call."

Spencer paused then cleared his throat. "Um..yes?"

"You're lying to me." Enzo said. "When will you be home."

"Maybe by tomorrow? We have a plan to catch the unsub tonight so I should get back early tomorrow."

Enzo let out an evil chuckle that sent a shiver down Spencer's spine. "I look forward to seeing you." Enzo said then hung up.

Spencer slowly brought his phone back down to the nightstand as he froze and didn't take his eyes off the ceiling.

His breathing quickened as he thought about how he would have to go back to sleeping in the same bed as Enzo every night when he gets back. And seeing him again would be the worst part. He'll be angry, and Spencer isn't afraid of anything more than an angry Enzo.

The alarm going off broke Spencer out of his thoughts. He looked over at the clock which read "7:00". He turned it off and turned on the lamp.

Derek slowly opened his eyes and saw Spencer was wide awake. "Since when do you wake up before me?" Derek joked.

Spencer looked over at Derek and forced a small laugh. "I guess I just wasn't too tired."

Derek walked over to Spencer's bed and cuddled with him for a little bit. They were both shirtless and in their boxers, what they had slept in.

Derek ran his hand down Spencer's pale, scrawny chest then connected his lips with Spencer's. The kiss was passionate and soft.

Derek slowly pulled away. "I had a lot of fun last night."

"Me too." Spencer returned Derek's smile.


Everyone reported to the meeting room as usual.

"Okay we all know the drill." Hotch started. We're going to arrive at the neighborhood and hopefully catch our unsub there stalking his next victim."

Everyone nodded. "Alright, let's go."

They separated into two SUV's.

When arriving there, they didn't see the black dirty minivan anywhere in the neighborhood. Hotch got on a call with the rest of the team in the other car.

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