20. Pleasure

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Derek opened his door for Spencer. He walked into Derek's house and went in for a hug.

The hug lasted for a while, Derek's hand twisting in Spencer's hair and Spencer rubbing Derek's back.

They pulled back to look at each other. Derek smiled. "Let's go to the living room."

Spencer followed Derek and they sat on the couch together. Spencer had been to Derek's house before but it had only been for work purposes or BAU gatherings.

"Talk to me." Derek said.

"I um...he um..." Spencer stuttered then took a breath. "He gave me this." Spencer lifted his t-shirt.

Derek looked at the enormous bruise forming on his stomach. "Oh my god!"

Derek covered his mouth in shock. "That must be painful."

Spencer did his half smile and nodded. "He also did that to another place but I don't know that I feel comfortable showing that right now."

"You don't mean he did it-" Derek motioned with his eyes down there.

"I do mean that."

"Spencer!" Derek hugged him again. "I'm so sorry he did that, that must've been awful."

"You have no idea." Spencer said. He laid on Derek's lap as Derek combed through Spencer's hair.

Derek just thought about it. "That sonuvabitch. If I get the chance to kill him I swear to god I will."

Spencer looked up at Derek from his lap. "He'd kill you before you get the chance."

Derek look away in anger.

"Derek look at me." Spencer said.

Derek looked down into his eyes.

"Forget Enzo. It's just me and you here." Spencer said.

Derek smiled and lifted Spencer's head up enough to give him a kiss. The kiss turned into a heavy make out, Derek moving to lay on top of Spencer.

Just before things got too crazy, Derek stood up. "Want to take this to my room?"

Spencer nodded in excitement. They held hands while they made their way to his room.

Normally Spencer would take a moment to look around the room and take in and comment on every detail, but he was too turned on to do that.

Spencer laid on the bed on his back and Derek laid on top of him again. They resumed the make out, just as intense as before. Their breaths both heavy from the lack of breath.

Their boners pressed firmly against each other, Derek starting some movement on top of his.

It felt good for a moment then hurt for Spencer. "Ow." Spencer winced.

Derek immediately rolled off of him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah it's just...I don't think we should..." Spencer motioned to his boner. "It just still hurts really bad."

"Oh I see." Derek took a while to take his eyes off.

"Believe me, I want it but it would just hurt too bad." Spencer explained.

"Yeah I understand." Derek said.

"Doesn't mean you can't get something though." Spencer smirked.

Derek had never seen the dominant side of Spencer before so this was very exciting to him. Spencer leaned in to kiss Derek again. They both laid in bed on their sides with their bodies flushed against each other.

Spencer ran his hand down Derek's chest, feeling the hardcore muscle through his shirt. Spencer lifted Derek's shirt off then reconnected with his lips again.

Derek moved Spencer's hand to his abs then Spencer traced his abs with his fingers.

Spencer managed to take control of the kiss, guiding Derek's lips in a slow motion. He then moved them in a fast motion, getting excited to finally give Derek pleasure.

Spencer pulled away from the make out and kissed down Derek's body. Derek watched as he kissed a line down his bare torso and stopped just before his dick, Spencer copying this from Derek.

Spencer wanted Derek to be just as teased as he was. Spencer looked up at Derek as he teased Derek's dick over his pants.

He grabbed his dick in one hand and moved it up and down. Spencer had already noticed that he was packing.

Spencer recalled when Derek traced over Spencer's frenulum and how good it felt. So Spencer traced his finger over Derek's frenulum, keeping the eye contact.

The shiver went through Derek, him now being able to feel what Spencer had.

Spencer took off Derek's sweatpants, along with his boxers. His hard dick sprang out and twitched already.

Spencer looked at the size of it; a very satisfying length. Derek waited in excitement for what Spencer would do.

Spencer licked up Derek's dick nice and slow. He then swirled his tongue around his dick, tasting the precum. Derek gave in with a moan as Spencer licked again and again at his frenulum.

He took it in his mouth, trailing his lips down and up  a few times. He used his hands to twist and suck at the same time.

Derek let out soft moans, these noises like music to Spencer's ears.

Spencer made sucking noises as he went all the way down on Derek's dick. He held it there for a little bit. Derek moved his hands to get a grip on Spencer's hair. Derek twirled his fingers in Spencer's hair, needing to touch Spencer.

Spencer gagged harshly and came back up. Spencer spit a little while sucking, this making it more pleasurable for Derek.

It seemed to be taking Derek a little longer than Spencer had hoped so he started to go faster. Spencer needed to please Derek, he needed to hear his noises as he came, and Spencer just wanted it in his mouth.

Spencer twisted with both hands in different directions and sucked, Derek moaning constantly at this point. Derek's grip tightened in Spencer's hair as he grew closer.

"Spencer you're doing so good." Derek moaned.

Spencer moaned while sucking, the noise making Derek want to finish in his mouth even more.

Derek pushed his dick deep into Spencer's throat causing him to gag. Gagging was a huge turn on for Derek so he continued to do it. Spencer gagging over and over. He didn't mind though, he would do whatever was needed to make Derek feel good.

Derek's moans grew louder as he began to reach his high. "Oh fuck Spencer! I'm cumming!" Derek's thrusts became uneven as he continued to push in and out of Spencer's throat.

His load shot down Spencer's throat and kept coming for a while. Derek held his dick in Spencer's mouth for a bit longer then pulled it out when he was done.

Spencer swallowed then wiped his eyes from the tears dripping from the deep throat.

Derek put his clothes back on, his breaths returning to normal. He laid back down in the bed with Spencer.

They smiled at each other. "So...Schitt's Creek?" Derek held the remote in the air.

"Yes!" Spencer said with happiness.

Derek turned on the show and they cuddled in bed as they watched it together.

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