Story 1: Black, White, and a Lot of Gray...Gas

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Recently, a restaurant by the name of "Gil's Grosse Mexican Buffet" opened its doors to the public, but. Only a week after, it was closed due to "health risks regarding the smell". How, you may ask? Well, this is the story of how one mafia boss was such a health threat to all around him that he sucked the life (and fresh air) out of the buffet..

It's a warm July afternoon. People run around on the beach shore, children giggle while playing on the playground, and a new mexican dinner/buffet had entered the area. "Gil's Grosse Mexican Buffet" was the name. They served a wide variety of Mexican desires, from spicy, spicy quesadillas, to one of the priciest things on the menu, the Big Bean Burrito King. Paced with meat, broccoli, and tons of beans, nobody dared to try it. Except one man...

"Hm. This looks new. A Mexican buffet? Sounds right up my alley." The black and white man said before walking in. He enters the building, smelling the aroma. "Mhmmm~ delicious~" he spoke. He looks towards the counter, "Hello sir! Table for 1?" "Yes." He follows the employee to the table "Okay, how big do you want to g-" "Your biggest size, please." "O-okay, that'll be $100 bucks, si-sir.." he hands her the bill, and sits down. He picks out his order, writing it on a notepad. When the waitress came, he handed her the pad. "Have fun~" o-okay sir!" He smiled, waiting for his feast to arrive. In a somewhat short time period, his mexican dishes were fully sat in front of him. "Enjoy yourself sir!" Right after she left, he began to binge. 

He'd always loved mexican food. The spice and richness was too great to resist. However, it did come with a drawback of making him an explosive gassy mess. He didn't mind, though. He eventually got down to the biggest and final dish, his Big Bean Burrito King. He takes a big bite, crunching down on it. He eats in just a few seconds after taking his first, though. "Mhmm...that was good, but, I want to get more out of my money~" he glances the all-you-can-eat section, getting up, walking towards there. He enters, nobody's around. With nobody to stop him, he starts to stuff himself.

About an hour later, Arrow squished in his own blubber. His arms were as fat-filled as a whole pig's body! However, this moment of relaxation was cut off from the manager coming into the room. He was surprised to see somebody had eaten everything! "Y-You have anything else to feed me with?~" "y-yes.." "Then go grab it. I'm still-URRRRRRRAAAAP-hungry." "O-kay.." Arrow waits a few more minutes for the man to give him a bean machine. "Alright, enjoy yourself." Without hesitation, the bicolored man put the grey tube in his mouth, the machine turning on. It hisses while Arrow jiggled a bit. "Mhmmmm..." 

49 minutes later..

8:50 PM, right before closing time. 

"Hey boss? Why do I smell something really bad?" "Hm?" "Like, somebody..passed gas, and a lot...of gas at that.." "ohhh, I gave a guy a bean pump machine." "WHAT?" "Y-yeah.." "BOSS, W-" he begins to cough from the stench. The boss takes a sniff. He recoiled in response. It was Arrow's fat ass stinking up the joint! He still was slurping down the beans, nearly sucking it dry. "Mhmmmmm...mhmmmmm.." 

The machine stops.

"O-Oh thank god."

The manager walks towards Arrow with caution. "H-hey buddy? Y-you can l-leave now..." 

"H-hello? S-sir, can you-"


The manager faints.

"Oh, hehe, excuse me." Arrow says, blushing. He releases more tornadoes of ass gas, with him apologizing and sweating at once. He also unleashed a few big burps and belches too. Eventually, the establishment was fogged with grey. He eventually stopped...17 hours later.

Eventually, Arrow walked out the restaurant, dressed in an employee's uniform. When the police visited the restaurant, they had to put on gas masks to protect themselfs. Eventually, the establishment shut down due to the obvious gas problem. Even today, nobody except the two dead witnesses were there to see true gluttony awaken within a man. Well, he wasn't really a man, an alien, per say. But a man none the less.

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