Story 6: Gassy Group

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After binging the menu of Taco Bell, the four ride home to Arrow's house. Their guts gurgled and sloshed against the wobbly cars' movement. Which, in turn, made them uncontrollably gassy when they got home.

All four of them plop themselves down onto a black couch. It was warm and fuzzy, and it was just about to get warmer.


"Ah, sorry, that's probably the dozen or so fiery Dorito tacos I ate.." Prism says as his hued gas fogs around his butt.


More gas from Prism. Maybe he shouldn't had eaten those along with a mountain dew slush. Maybe.


"Heh, that's all of those fiery supreme Dorito tacos I had~" Arrow chuckles.


"Oh, and my black bean burritos. Can't forget that~"


"Excuse me..too many-BURRRRRRPP-chili cheese burritos.."
Radium says, embarrassed.

"Don't be flustered, we all stink together!" Prism proclaims.


Prism and Arrow fart nearly right after one another. Their grey and rainbow gas mix with eachother, now the whole room had been smogged.


Jet joins them with a loud toot. His gas was a nice deep black color.


"Fucking showoff." Prism jabs.
"Well, did you eat ten pounds worth of Taco Bell bean burritos?"
"No, fat fuck."
"Well, look who's talking?" Arrow pokes Prisms' stomach.


"Oh god, I'm gonna blow!"


Radium explodes with a nuclear bomb of a rip. Everyone else glares at him. He blushes. The room had been fogged by his green gas. Jet chimes in with another explosive butt bomb. Then, all hell breaks loose.

"Hey guys, uh, is it normal for your stomach to feel stiff?"
"Mine is being stiff too."
"Same here"
"Mine three!"
They all press their hands on the guts. And then, this happens.


They all rip at the same time. Waves of grey, multicolored, green, and black gas swarm the room. It overflowed with it. You couldn't see anything afterwards since there was just so much ass haze in the way. The sound was heard all over the neighborhood. All four of them blushed hard. Very, very hard. Their pants were fully ripped where their anus was. And, they all decided to never go to Taco Bell ever again.

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