Story 2: Summoning A (Hunrgy) Demon Means Trouble!

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It was nearly summer, everybody was closing up school or about to go off work for a bit. With celebration, comes a party. And sometimes, parties can cost, and it's not just in terms of money...

About 24 college kids gathered in one of the rich kids' house. They were getting lit, higher than the skies. Living their life good. Or so they think.

A group of spiritual people gathered in the attic of the home. They laid out a symbol, painted in all the colors of the rainbow. They found this symbol from the internet after a deep, deep dive. They set it up, then make a run for it, closing the door in a hurry. With a bit of color, out comes the demon. His name was Prism Echols. Or, just Prism. He'd been known to eat people after he discovered that he had this power. 

His gut grumbled a bit in hunger. He'd been off eating for a bit now, and he didn't really know why. "Ah, back to the old routine of chomping on some unlucky humans, huh. Wonder what wizkids brought me here. Doesn't matter, I'll make then butt and tummy fat anyway." He thought. He opens up the attic door, jumping down. His stomach gurgles with hunger, he puts his hand on it, patting it. 

The students were jamming their hearts out, bracing for a crash the night after. Prism walks down the stairs, glaring at his first snack. He grabs him by the neck, he yelps, like a normal person would. He takes off his mask, revealing his sharp, rainbow teeth. He slurps the boy down, rubbing his bloated belly afterwards. Some people take notice and start to scream, only causing chaos in its waking. 

He gobbles down the rest of the party goers, his gut expanding wildly, with him revealing his man tits, with him squishing them right after. "Ahhh~ that-BWOOOURRRP-hit the spot..that feels good...s-so good.." he chuckles a bit, rubbing his bloated stomach in the process. 

The feast of 30 students was quite taxing on the house and him, since he was quite a gassy sinner. "Mhmmm.." he grips his ass, before ripping a large and loud fart. He blushes, smiling. He was decently powerful, too, lifting his robe up a bit. He unleashes more belches and braps, while the house was turning into an unseeable rainbow mess. 

"I'm not gonna let any of you out~ you that, right?~ BURRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPP"


"C'mon, let's get a big one everyone~"

They squirm a lot harder.

"There we g-"


The gas was so powerful that his entire cape was lifted up to reveal his large slobby butt, the crack having rainbow stains. It was also a bright rainbow too. 

"Ahhhhhhh~ good..hope you enjoyed your life, since it's gonna end in a second~"


"He he~"





The college students who were once parting had now been fully digested. Now only ass and stomach blubber to the daemon. "He he, good~ nothing like some-BURRRAAP-college clowns to get your gut on~"




Some bones pop out, as well as some clothes.

"He he, looks like my body agrees~"

Prism walks out the building, hiding his moobs and ass crack. He jiggled down the street until heading home. He took a big long slumber, with now 24 college kids missing, nobody will ever know it was him. Well, unless they breath in his gas of course~

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