Story 8: Pump and Dump

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"Hello! We've called you to confirm your purchase of Crypcoin! We will need your billing information for confirmation that it's you, of course. And don't worry, this coin is worth it! It'll make you a millionaire!"

Scamming. The act of baiting someone out of their earnings for nothing. They've been more relevant than ever with the rise of the digital age. And, even more recently, the rise of cryptocurrency. One crypto-scam uses scam calls to lure prey in. Not just by forcing them to buy their coin, but also leaking their billing information, which they use to buy their own coin on alternative accounts on the host website. It was a spider web, to say the least. But, after an emergency call from one who was slick to catch their tricks, the web was going to fall apart. By the hands of the big black and his boys.

"Hey, I think someone's at our door." One of the scammers say to the other. "Shit...Well, can't do anything but answer, I guess.." He goes to open the door, and is met by the cops. "Hello, sir. We've heard a report of a..crypto-scam? Is this correct?" "Mhm...N-no, sir. We haven't been doing anything of the sort." "Well, we've seen your online history, and it's certain that you're running a scam right now." He stands there, nervous to admit his crime. "W-w-well, I-..I can explain, you see-" A strange, low growl of some sorts come from nearby. He only gets more anxious from that.

He admits it. "..F-fine, I did it. I've harvested billing information, and have stored them in data servers." "That's all the information we need sir, now we'll need to enter your home to destabilize your servers and such." "Well...uhm...y-" "Let's stop wastin' time here! I'm comin' in!" A deeper voice says, while barging into the home. He got stuck at the door for a moment, but he squeezed himself through, walking towards the server room, and its contents.

"Oh shit!" The criminal yells, going off into the room that the deeper voiced man went into. He was tased by one of the cops, stopping him, which gave them enough time to handcuff him. The scammers could hear his footsteps loudly go into the server room. The operation his friends made was over.

The chief opens the door, being greeted by walls of blipping little lights and beeps. "Jeez, they really went all out on the storage part, huh?" He whispers to himself. He unplugs each brick of data, before poking his midsection faintly. "I did skip breakfast...and lunch.." he thought. "Eh, maybe one couldn't hurt." He then promptly opens his jaws wide so that he could cram the technology into his drooling mouth. He then shoves the large piece of metal into his jaws. The metallic flavoring pared with the amount of computer plastic that was swirling on his tongue made the experience luscious. After gulping down the first database, he couldn't stop. It was too good not to have more! One by one, he grabbed the machinery, and he ate each and every last one of them. He recoiled slightly to the door, turning around, only to find that, not only was getting to the door hard when you just had at least a gigabytes' worth of data for brunch, but also getting through the door was tough.

By then, the police had caught and arrested each of the offenders, letting their chief go off and do whatever to the server room. Well, that "whatever" probably didn't mean to gobble up all the racks, but to their chief, Noir, it was. "So, uh, boys, ya got the criminals in the cars yet?"Yes, chief, they've been put into cars, and they're off to have trials soon."Good!" The other cop smiled. "Also, sir, not to be...well, rude or anything, but why are there jagged bumps across your belly?" "Well," he says, "I had some fun in the server room; let's just say that, for now."

The remaining men load into the car, with Noir taking the seat by the driver. Due to his excessive binge, his weight flattened the car seat a bit (Like it wasn't flat before). All of the men buckled their seatbelts in, and went off back to the station. During the trip back to the office, the interior of the vehicle began to smell rancid from gas.


''Cuse me~"




"God, Chief, that smells like plastic and metal! Did you go to that server room and-"


The fact that the seat was leather and the sheer size of Noir's ass made his ass blasts shake the interior of the car. It felt like bass boosted audio was being played through the speakers, but no, that was just Noir. After the treacherous ride, the crew went to the station. Noir sat in his office chair, reclining back a bit. By now, his meal of machinery was finished digesting. His grossly enlarged figure made the chair creak and squeal in discomfort from his weight. And, the following missions and calls after that were quite smelly, to say the least.

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