Story 11: Vile Being Vile

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"Ugh, I can't believe I ate so much again," the scientist said, belching loudly. "I really need to stop indulging in these self-destructive binges."

He let out a loud fart, adding to the thick green gas cloud that was already filling his lab.

"I can't believe I let myself get to this point," he said, shaking his head. "I'm supposed to be a respected scientist, not a gluttonous mess."

He sighed and looked at his triangular test tube object head, filled with green liquid.

"I guess it's time to get back on track and focus on my work," he said, trying to muster up some motivation. "No more indulging in these ridiculous binges."

But as he spoke, he couldn't help but think about the delicious snacks that were just a few steps away in the kitchen.

"Maybe just one more indulgence," he said, giving in to temptation. "After all, I deserve it, right?"

And with that, he got up from his chair and waddled over to the kitchen, ready to indulge in yet another self-destructive binge.

"Mmm, this is just what I needed," Vile said, munching on a piece of cake as he entered the kitchen.

He looked around, his eyes scanning the room for more delicious treats.

"Ah, there's a tray of cookies over there," he said, spotting a plate of freshly-baked cookies on the counter. "I think I'll have one of those too."

He walked over to the counter and grabbed a cookie, stuffing it into his mouth before moving on to the next treat.

"Hmm, what's in the fridge?" he asked, opening the refrigerator door and peering inside.

He saw an array of delicious foods inside, and he began to consume them all, one by one.

"Mmm, this is so good," he said, devouring a slice of pizza. "I can't believe I'm able to eat all of this."

He continued to eat, consuming everything in the kitchen until there was nothing left.

Satisfied, Vile returned to his lab, feeling full and content.

But as he sat down in his chair, he let out a loud belch and the chair broke beneath him, causing him to fall to the floor.

"Oops, I guess I've really let myself go," Vile said, looking down at his big belly and broken chair. "I really need to start taking better care of myself."

"Hello, this is Vile, the scientist with the triangular test tube object head filled with green liquid," he said into the recording device.

"I just wanted to make a quick log of my latest experiment," he continued. "Today, I decided to test out my ability to consume and digest living beings. I chose several of my co-workers as subjects, and I must say, the results were quite impressive."

He let out a loud belch and fart, adding to the thick green gas cloud that was already filling his lab.

"As you can hear, the process of digesting the subjects has caused an increase in the production of gas," he said, sounding pleased with himself. "And as you can see, my belly has grown considerably from the additional mass that I have consumed."

He patted his big belly, which was now round and swollen.

"Overall, I must say that this experiment was a great success," he said, sounding satisfied. "I have proven that I have the ability to consume and digest living beings, and I have also gained a significant amount of butt fat and fart production as a result. I can't wait to continue experimenting and pushing the limits of my abilities."

"Ah, this is the life," Vile said, patting his big belly as he sat in his lab. "I've eaten so much today, and I'm feeling quite satisfied."

But as he spoke, he heard a strange noise coming from one of the corners of the room.

"What was that?" he asked, looking around.

He saw a slime creature that he had created in his lab, and it was moving towards him.

"Ah, it's one of my experiments," Vile said, smiling. "I didn't expect it to be ready so soon."

But as the creature reached Vile, it began to be consume by him, stuffing him beyond his comfortable limits.

"Oof, I didn't realize how big this thing was," Vile said, struggling to breathe. "I think I might have overindulged again."

The creature continued to be swallowed, leaving Vile feeling bloated and uncomfortable.

"Well, I guess this is what I get for being such a glutton," Vile said, sighing. "I really need to start taking better care of myself."

"Ah, there you are," Vile said, spotting you in his lab. "I've been looking for someone to sit on."

He waddled over to you, his big belly swaying with each step.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," he said, grinning. "I just want to sit on you and let out some of these massive farts that have been building up inside me."

He positioned himself on top of you, his weight pressing down on you.

"Ah, this feels so good," he said, letting out a loud fart onto your face. "I've been holding that one in for a while."

He continued to fart, filling the air around you with his stinky gas.

"I'm sorry if it's a bit smelly," he said, still grinning. "But I can't help it, these farts are just too good to hold in."

You tried to move away, but Vile was too heavy and you were unable to escape.

"Don't worry, I'll be done soon," Vile said, letting out another fart. "I just need to get all of these farts out of my system."

Eventually, Vile finished farting and got off of you, leaving you gasping for fresh air.

"I hope you enjoyed the experience," Vile said, chuckling. "I know I did."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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