Story 7: 4 Lardasses, 1 Taco Bell

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It was getting late. About 5:30 pm was when they arrived there. They were about to close, when all 4 packed in there, their guts growled in hunger. The employee working the shift was petrified. This wasn't going to go well.

"S-so, what do you men, uhm, want?" He said, trembling. "We'd like, well, what would we like?" Domino says, before turning around to his friends. They all individually say their answer, and then Domino turns back around to tell them to the employee. "A-Alright, that'll be, uh-" "Yes?" Omen chimes in. "..O-one, uh-one hun-" "-dred dollars and-" "50 cents, p-please." Omen and the poor cashier finish the sentence together. They pay and then sit down, awaiting their order. And, within 10 minutes, their feast of gas-inducing food had arrived. Then, they binged. And binged. And binged. When they finished their drinks, they all sat their, rubbing their enlarged bellies, anticipating the storm of gas afterwards.

"So, uh, what are you doing after this?" Zin speaks. "I'm probably going to-BURRRRAAAAAAPPPPP-uh, take a nap." "Me too, but, don't you have your casino to tend to, Night?" Domino responds. "Yeah, but I don't have to constantly tend to it." "What? You're the boss! Who the fuck is going to manage all the employees? The-"


"" "Hehe~" Zin angrily punches Nightshade in his stomach, causing him to rip out a massive fart. "You asshole!" He responses. "Can we not fight eachother?" "WE AREN'T FIGHTING!" "Calm down fatass!" "I'm fine! Fuck!" "Doesn't seem like it to me." Nightshade softly whispers.


They all rip ass at once, causing them all to blush. "Well, that was, uh, something." "So, back to the top-"


Zin gets cut off with more gas. That was from Omen.

Then, for the next 20 minutes, they all rip ass, fogging up the restaurant with their stinky butts. Then, something diabolical happened.

"Well, my gut feels solid."
"All of our guts do, Domino."
"Is this..normal?"
"I feel like this happened to some others before us.."

Then, their pants all rip.


A flow of ass gas blasted from them. The gas covered the entire restaurant. Now, you could barely see anything, and the employees there were beginning to choke on their butt bombs. "Well, uh." "That was embarrassing." "Hey, since the employees are dead, why not check out the back room?" Omen suggests, and each agree to do so.

20 minutes later...

"Hey, what's this?" "Looks like a big container of their meat." "Appropriate!" "Huh?" "There's four tubes for each of us!" "You really want to stink up this place more?" "Sure!"

This ended in disaster.

They all begin to bloat up with the meat. More and more. Heavier and heavier. Eventually, the lardasses break the restaurant. And they blast more farts from their asses. Like they always do. Later that night, they all fell asleep. Morning comes, and they all return home, with the entire area stinked and ruined. All by them.

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