Story 3: Churnobyl

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Running a business deep into a city was quite the challenge for some. But not to the owners of Buffcakes' Buffet. They were hiring employees nearly at the same rate as new customers plowed in per 5 minutes! However, it ended in a flash (Well, it wasn't a flash, per say, more like a brap, but still proving the point). With one goop monster entering the establishment, things took a turn for the worst.

It was a nice cool August evening, 5:50 pm on a Friday. Customers flocked in like seagulls to feed their kids and workers relished in food after their job is done. Everything was fine and well, until a man fully covered walks into the building. His name was Radium. He wasn't a man really but, rather a goop thing. He had plutonium for muscle and organ tissue. Liquid uranium glowing for his skin. His head was a bright green, glowing like the rest of his flesh. He walks up to the employee who greets. 

"Why hello sir! S-say, why are you wearing so many layers of clothes? It's a nice August afternoon!" They were taken back by the slime man. "Simple. I don't want to get picked apart and called a monster by the people. Do you see anybody walking around with a glowing body, now do you?" He questions. "W-well, uh-" "That's what I thought." He remarks. The employee clears their throat, "Well, s-sir, you take table number 34. Lucky, right next to the buffet table." "Lucky indeed~" he giggles before walking off to grab his plate.

He picks up a plethora of food. Not very healthy, but food nonetheless. He hands the cashier 1 Benjamin Franklin, making a soft joyful noise as to thank him for this feast. He nods back, watching the green thing begin to eat.

And boy, did he eat.

In about half an hour, he'd already gone back for fifthteenths! His body was wobbling with blubber, his layers of clothes stretching and disforming. His leather jacket stretched against his fat, his jeans and shirt disform sideways with his expanded hips and belly. It jiggled up and down every step back like jelly. He stops him once, "Sir, do you realize how much weight you are putting on? You were perfectly slim, now you're a walking piece of jello! Better slow down before you end up a type 2 diabetic! Bahaha!" He mocked him. A bit angered, he continues his fattening binge before being stopped again by laughter from the cash register. 

This made him snap.

His eyebrows steep down furiously, with the blob of uranium bobbing up and down towards the worker, he stares him strait in the eye.

"Here's a little joke for you."

"What joke?"

"What happens when you mock and defame a king of his kind?"

"What kind? The overweight?"

He pauses for a moment before forming his mouth. It wasn't like a normal one. Think of it like a rip in clothing. Lines of the original fabric still there, yet a gaping hole right there. 




He lunges forward at the man, startling him, and, within seconds, the man was already inside of Radiums' plutonium and sulfuric acid stomach. He was quickly gone, only turning into more fat for the blubbery beast. He hid his mouth again, going back to eating, only this time, he wasn't sitting at a table, rather, he was grabbing everything he could get his chubby hands on.

Within about ten minutes, he'd already amassed a crowd of people watching his fatass eat. After he's done chomping down, he looks back, and blushes a bit. He giggles happily at first, but after a low stomach growl, he begins to turn sinister. Confused, the crowd watch on in bewilderment as his fatty feet boomed towards a mother with her three children. Without hesitation, he grabs the mother, pushing her kids into his belly, letting all 4 digest quickly, adding fat to his stomach and his ass. 

The crowd screams, and they try to run, but some were already grabbed not just by him, but by his goop. Sucked in, they sink into him, only to become more blubber to this behemoth. The people try and run to the exits, but both were left locked by accident. Blocking the entryway, Radium sits down, letting people of all kinds sink into him. During this, his body expanded greatly. His jeans ripped to shreads, his jacket bursted, and his shirt and underwear followed last. His big fat moobs became seen to the remaining people, which was only him by the end of it. After he finished his big feast, he relaxes back into his fat. But, one thing he forgot was that, his gas was radioactive.

" fat....s-soo, hmmhmm-f-BWOOOOURRRRRRAAAAAPPP-full.." The gas cloud left behind spread around the building. With a bubbly gut, Radium rips out a large and loud BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP, leaving the area behind and in front of him smogged with glowing green gas with fallout particals sprinkled throughout. He lays there for the next 4 hours, burping and farting away, with the gas slowly turning the building into the famous disaster sight. 

When the manager returned, he was greeted by two large black ass cheeks. He then smells the terrible fumes, immediately running out of the building. The next day, Radium woke up back at home, with a news report about him being broadcasted on live television. The news reported spoke, "Earlier this week, a blossoming restaurant in the heart of a booming city turned into a ghost town, appropriately renamed to, 'Churnobyl'." He laughs, turning off the TV, and restarting his day like normal.

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