Story 9: The Big Beer Binge

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It was March 17th, St. Patrick's day. Bars were putting up special deals for the holiday; buy one, drink the rest of the night half off, buy one, drinks are on the house. However, one local pub didn't have any special deals. Still, it attracted one unusual customer...

The bartender was cleaning a glass from a previous customer when the door opened. The large person creaked the floorboards a bit, but he didn't notice or care. The customer took the seat that was at the center of the bar counter. The bartender looks up and gets this strange feeling he can't shake off. "Hello, sir. Nice to see you here." This was Noir, the local police chief. He had a bad feeling from his gut that he came here to shut down his business, or he was doing something illegal. "H-hello, what are you in here for today?" He nervously responds. "Well, I've come here to try some of your beer. I've heard all the buzz about it, and I think it would be a good idea if I'd head to a bar and get a swig of it." The bartender pours the large, near-black figure a mug of beer without a second thought. He passes the glass to Noir before he picks it up and takes a sip of it.

At first, it tasted bitter. He didn't like it as much he'd thought he would.  Nevertheless, he took more sips. The sips became full drinks of the mug. Before long, he'd finished it. "Do you want another?" The bartender asks. "Surely!" The bartender pours another drink for Noir, with him chugging that one down as well. He poured another, passing it on, and then he chugged it clean. It became a cycle that the bartender thought he wasn't going to repeat for long, but how wrong he was..

It felt like years it went on. He swore that he was in a time loop and forever stuck treating this large humanoid. More and more, more of the kegs were being drained. Nobody had ever drinken this much alcohol in his establishment before. And then, it stops for a moment. "Let me-*hrnh*-take a breather for a second, sir.." Noir was completely wasted by this point. He was dizzy, not to the point of vomiting, but not to where he could think clearly. He let his loud and sloshy belly rest for a second. If he drank one more pint at this rate, it felt like he'd puke all over the counter and fall into a coma. "How are you feeling?" The bartender asks Noir. He doesn't respond; he burps loudly instead. The loud bout of gas he expelled out of himself shook the bartender up a bit. "Okay, now you can-*hic*-give me another glass." The bartender then goes back to the drink station, pouring him the next glass.

About an hour passes, and the kegs that the bartender had were empty. Noir's alcohol levels were through the roof, it was surprising to the bartender how he hasn't passed out yet. "Sorry to inform ya bub, but my kegs are empty." "Then-*hic*-get new one that ain't-*hiccup!*-emtay..~" "I feel like you don't need anym-" "YES I DO!" Noir angrily shouts at the bartender. Scared half to death, he straddles off to the keg storage, pulling nine out on a trolley. Hooking each up to the tube that poured the alcohol out, he plugs the tube in Noir's now drooling maw. "Enjoy yourself." He smugly says before leaving out the backdoor of his establishment.

Noir sits there in complete euphoric hypnosis. He was enjoying himself, that's for sure. He kept chugging and chugging; it was never enough to satisfy him. All the while, the gas built up in his gut blasted out of him as bassy farts. He couldn't stop farting either. He was in complete unaware bliss. Meanwhile, the seat his rump has sinked into snapped and broke, but he didn't care. All that he cared about was that his stomach was churning and that he was also full of beer. His overcoats ' buttons then shoot off like rockets, before Noir rips another brassy brap, almost like an airplane taking off when compared to volume. Soon enough, his other clothes, like his shirt, pants, and shoes all broke off of his flabby body. He continued to drink anyway.

His huge size by this point was alarming; he was so close to breaking the establishment to pieces now. Then, at a moment's notice, the building shattered into bits. The kegs had finally stopped working; they were automatic ones, the expensive ones you could turn on and put a tube into, pouring a liquid in a drink for without some special machine. Noir was now an immobilized blob, and the bartender was off at home. The large drunken just sat there, moaning and burping his ass off, while blasting farts so loud the entire block could hear them. He then found himself fast asleep, his snoring not covering much of his sound anyway.

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