Story 4: Garlic Gas

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"Hello! This is Pipers' Pizza! What would you like to order today?"

"Uh, yeah, some garlic bread would be nice."

"Like how much are we talking here?"

"5 boxes worth."

Radium had been craving garlic lately. Just the aroma of it, and the taste too. He'd already bought 10 pounds worth of heads earlier, so why not add a bit more wheat into the mix? So, he waits for his bread to arrive. While waiting, he sniffs the garlic a bit, enjoying the smell.

"Here's your bread sir!"


He takes the boxes, and after paying, he closes the door, and digs into his feast. He starts off with the 10 pounds. He chomps down on each bulb carelessly, with his stomach only growing fatter every time he crunches on one. Finishing off the heads, Radium dines on his bread. Chomping down, he giggles with enjoyment each slice.

Eventually, he sits back down on his couch. Nice and white. It looked nice. He liked it. Then, he felt something bubble in his belly.

"Hm?" He pokes his tummy. He then unknowingly clenched his ass cheeks together. That's when all hell broke loose.

Radium rips out a humongous, indescribably loud fart. The ensuing gas cloud and stench was wicked. Absolutely diabolical. It smelt like radioactive waste. This is when his gut starts to churn violently, with more gas coming out of him. "Nrrrrg-w-Why am I reacting this way to-raahh-" he rips out another huge gust of flatus, "t-to garlic? I never-URRRAAAP-reacted this way before!" Radium questions. He then belches a few times while also releasing another butt nuke. He moans a bit in pain, while also somewhat enjoying it. The white couch he used to have had now been infected with fallout. He didn't care, though. 

He burps a ton more times while ripping more toots from his rectum. His stomach doesn't calm down either. For the next 6 hours, Radium explodes with more ass haze. More, and more, and more, and more. The fallout was so potent, to the point in which the apartment right next to him had to call room service! (Well, it wasn't because of the fallout, rather the noise, and the scent.)

Room service enters his room, getting greeted with a hurricane of the goop man's queef. They wheeze when it enters their lungs. "S-sir, can you please quiet down?" They said. He could barely hear them over his booty pooting itself like Krakatoa. "Ah, sorry, I just ate some-BELCH-garlic earlier." "You are this g-" they cough loudly after inhaling more of Radium's blart. "Th-this gassy, from GARLIC?!" "Yeah..turns out I'm allergic, or at least my tummy doesn't like it at all." The room service leaves, while Radium sits back down, ripping the last of his qwelches. After another hour, the farting finally stops. Radium does a big sigh of relief. "Well, I'm never eating garlic again." He says, until he finds one lonely little bulb left in his fridge.

"Eh, maybe one more couldn't hurt."

He engulfs it.

The following nova released afterwards ripped a giant hole in Radium's black sweatpants and underwear. His gut bombed itself with a tsar of a rip. He blushes hard, with this one lasting a whole 20 minutes!

And then, finally, he lays back down, his whole apartment smogged up his toxic fumes. "This amount of gas could probably kill somebody." He thought. Well, his gas didn't, but the gas did seep through his door when he went to bed, so now it's the neighbors' problem, not his.

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