Chapter 1

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I'm home.

I think to myself

I step through the door expecting my mom to be away or drunk, but instead she's sleeping.

I walk over to the living room sitting on the couch next to her.
" I know you can't here me, but I need to say this.  In the last couple of months they have been the best. I was doing good if hockey, I made many friends, and I even got a boyfriend.
But where did that get me.
On the week before the big game my boyfriend breaks up with me. Because he though me and Adam kissed. And after that he exposed all my secretes to the whole internet.
The abuse, assaults, fake friends. Everything,
I just can't take it anymore."
I said as the tears started rolling down my face.

I look over at my mom laying on the couch.
"Mom?" I say shaking her

No response

" mom?!" I say a little louder shaking her again

I check her pulse and she's not breathing
" No, no no no no no" I say as my breaths get quicker and quicker

I start hyperventilate
This can't be happening right now

I run to my room and grab my phone and dial 911.

" hi this is 911 what's your emergency?"
The lady on the other side of the phone says

" hi I just got home and my moms not breathing" I say out of breath

" okay honey I need you to take a deep breath for me. Police are on there way.
As you are wearing try doing CPR" she says

" o-okay" I say with a shaky breath
And run over to my mom and start doing CPR on her.

I keep trying and trying but it's no use

All of a sudden police and medical people rush into the house. One of the policemen walks over to me.

" I need you to tell me what happen. Okay, can you do that." He says to me softly

" ya, I can do that" I say nodding

" I had just got home from the jr Olympics for hockey. And I walked into the house but I just though she was drunk and passed out or something like that." I say and he nods

But before I'm about to start again but he interrupts me before I do.
" what time did you get home would you say"
He asks
" around 3:30 pm" I answer and he nods to continue

" I walked over and sat on the couch next to her and started talking about what happened there. But once I finished I felt like something was wrong and started to try and shake he awake. But when that didn't work I checked her pulse and felt nothing so i called you, and tried CPR but it didn't work." I say and he nods and thanks me and walks away

One of the other police men walks over to me and I already know it's bad news.
" I'm sorry but she didn't make it" he says in a sunsets voice

I Choke down a sob
Even after all she did to me, why did I still love her. Why did I still care for her after everything, I didn't understand.
" I need you to start packing up your things" he said and I nod trying to stop the tears from coming down

I go to my room and pack up all the things I care about or needed/wanted and waited at the door for him to come back in.
As I was waiting all I could thing of is what if I was home early or never went at all. She would still be alive if it wasn't for me

Interrupting me thoughts the police officer walks back in and tells me it's time to go. I put my backpack on me with another bag in hand and walk out.

I see police cars, ambulances, workers, some people I knew from school, and the sandlot kids, with lily by there side.
All of them looked miserable for some reason and I didn't understand why. I see that the only person smiling is lily. Fucking lily. I hate her.

I put my stuff in the police van. And walk right over to lily and slap her right across the face.
" fuck you bitch!" I say sticking up the middle finger and start walking back to the car.
All of the sandlot kids have little smirks on there faces, even benny.

I might not like him anymore but I will still have a part of me that did at one point in me. The same thing goes with Luis. He will always be a part of me. 

Authors note

It's the start of the second book!
I am going to try and update once or twice a week because I do still have school and sports to do. So don't be surprised if I don't post a lot

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