Chapter 20

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Sky's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm.

" ughhhh" I groan as I got out of bed and pick out my outfit for the day.

I grab my phone so I can text Adam to make sure that our plans are still on for brunch.

                               Blonde Bitch

                                                                                                                                   Adam were still on for
later right?


You have to fill me in with whats

going on with you and LUIS!

Alright fine but I also need to
  ask you something important


"Gosh he is annoying" I tell myself as sit down on my bed turning on the Kardashians.


I walk into the restaurant looking around for him, luckily I spot him before a worker walks over to me. I don't really want to socialize with anyone right now.

" Hi shit-face" he says

" hi bitch-face" I say back

before i can start the conversation our waiter walks over.  Once she gets to our table I see her eyeing Adam and smirking and then looking at me with a glare.

" What can I get you today" she says with an irritated voice towards me

" Can I get the Chicken Alfredo please with a Shirley temple" I ask politely

" sure" she says with a glare " Fat ass" I hear her mutter

" Bitch" I say loud enough for her to hear making her scoff and look over to Adam, like she was expecting him to help her.

" Can I have the steak with mashed potatoes medium rare" He says smiling at her making her blush

" ya sure" she giggles and gives me once last glare before walking away

Once she's out of sight we both burst out of laughter

" what a bitch" I say

" I know right" Adam says

" now let's get into business why did you want to come out to dinner" He asks

"well....I've kinda have missed being on the team with the ducks, and since we all aren't against each other anymore, I think i'm going to quit varsity and ask to join the ducks instead" I say slowly

For a couple of seconds it was silent until Adam said
" Thank god you said that I didn't know if you would want to switch to" he say letting me let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in

" Now that we talked about that what happened with you and Luis" he winks making my face beat red.

" Ok the first thing is we went on a date a little bit ago and lit was amazing he took me to beach and we watch a movie as the sun set" I say

" oh my god that's so cute, I want someone like that" He says

" You'll find someone at some point, but then the day I found out that Hans died Luis comforted me and stayed with me the whole night. Then the next morning I woke up in his arms, after I went on my run I came back to see him cuddling with a teddy bear when we were at the Junior Olympics and he looked really cute so I took a photo of him." I explain

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