Chapter 15

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Luis POV

Because of stupid varsity we had to do stupid dishes for hours. As we did them thought we all came up with a plan to get back a them.

" hey but this plan doesn't include Sky or Adam right?" I ask, I mean when varsity said they had a surprise she look really confused.

" Aren't they apart of varsity meaning no holding back. We don't want them to walk all over us like door mats, you guys have to face it that they are traders." Charlie snapped

Everyone look at each other knowing he was sort of right. I am really hoping that Sky doesn't sleep in that hallway, I know that Adam doesn't but I don't know....


We all decided to steal the Brazilian Fire Ants from the deans office and put them threw tubes into varsity's beds as they sleep. Say a little midnight surprise. 

Connie and Guy were telling us through binoculars to show where to put the tubes. As I think Julie was tying the doors together so they couldn't get out.
This was going to be hilarious!

Sky's POV

After the big dinner incident I headed straight to my dorm. Adam tried to follow you but Rick stopped him.

I slammed my door shut and locked it. What the fuck is wrong with them, I thought at least Adam would have my back. I guess not.

I put on my pjs and finished up the rest of my homework before going to bed.

(without the dog)

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(without the dog)

Randomly I wake up inchy all over. I see something crawling on me and scream. I immediately get up off my bed to see ants all over it and my body.

I try swiping them off but they won't leave me alone. I run over to the door and unlock it but it still just won't open no matter how hard I try.   My skin starts to turn red like a sunburn, what is happening!

I continue pounding on the door until it finally opens and I sprint out the room. As soon as I get out I see all the varsity boys also scratching themselves but there skin didn't look like mine.

I see the ducks in the entrance of the hallway laughing. I get that they wanted payback on Varsity but I had nothing to do with it. They know I wouldn't do this...right.

Liam comes running over to me as soon as he seems what my skin looks like.
" Omg sky your skin shouldn't be like that" him saying this caught everyone's attention. Everyone's eyes widen when they saw what I looked like, was it really that bad.

My throat started burning up and it felt like I couldn't breath. I tap Liam and point to my throat trying to show him my throat was swelling up. He seemed to get the message and picked me up bridal style.

" Move out of the fucking way, this is all your fault" he said carrying me past the duck and quickly grabbed his phone to call an ambulance.

The ambulance came just in time carrying me away to the hospital.

Luis POV

God I wanted to cry by the amount of guilt I felt. If course it was funny to get payback on them but how were we supposed to know that Sky was allergic to them. I don't even think she knew.

" Wow you ducks just had to ruin your friends success didn't you. I guess you guys had to ruin her chances by making her have an allergic reaction to those stupid ants."  Rick said

We all looked around at each other not knowing what to say really.

" You all think your funny huh? You think you're worth a dame? Your just white trash!" he said

" Who you calling white" Russ said lighting the mood making us laugh.

" that's right we will take you anytime, anywhere" Charlie added on

" Tomorrow dawn!" rick snapped back and ran back to his room like the rest of them.

then we heard a thumping on the ground, and see that Cole is on the ground all tied up

" I'm going to kill you guys!" he screams

" its probably time to leave" Charlie said walking out as the rest of us followed him out. As we walked back to our dorms, Connie and I made eye contact and I know that we were both thinking the same thing.

Will Sky be okay?

Authors note

word count - 751

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