Chapter 8

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The Next Day
Sky's POV
I wake up at 7:30 breakfast starts in 5! I quickly get ready. I get dressed into this

And rush down to the cafeteria and see the ducks saving a seat for me, but also my new team saving a seat for me to

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And rush down to the cafeteria and see the ducks saving a seat for me, but also my new team saving a seat for me to.
This is a problem I look over and see Chloe waving me over to the cheerleaders table. This is the safest way out but I need to quickly do something before going over.
I walk over to the ducks table and smile at them.
" hey guys" I say smiling slightly at them most of them say hey back but Charlie rolls his eyes and scoffs
" great" he mutters quietly making me frown
" well I'm I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm really sorry that this happened and I hope that this doesn't ruin our friendship. Even though we won't be seeing each other as much we can still talk to each other and hang out every so often!" I say hoping that they all agree with me
" of course we will sky, I don't want to ruin our friendship" Connie says hugging me as everyone else agrees with me even Luis. The only person who didn't was Charlie. I can't imagine how Adam feel. Charlie really needs to grow the fuck up boo hoo you didn't make the team that you wanted.
" ya whatever traitor" he says
I just sigh and walk over to Chloe's table
For the rest of lunch I couldn't stop thinking about how Adam feels.
Finally it was last period Spanish. Usually it is gym but that every two days. Andy, Elijah, and Chloe are all in my Spanish class. When I walk in I stir next to Chloe and we both start talking about how our days have been going. That was until Elijah and Andy walk in flat tiring each other laughing.
" hey guys" I say smiling as they sit next to us. We all start talking except I feel eyes burning into the back of my head. I look and see Luis quickly looking away talking to some girl. What so good about her. What dose she have that I don't.
Why why why god. Why dose she have to be talking to those guys. Why can't she just talk to her friend Chloe. I see her turning around to see who's looking at her. I quickly go back to listen to what Mindy was saying to me.
" oh that's very nice min" I say playing with her hair.
" oh thank Luis do you have hockey after this class" she asks biting her lip
" ya but I can be a little late as long as your also let for cheerleading practice" I say winking at her. I could only with that this was Sky.
" oh trust me I'm one of the captains Im sure they won't mind" she says smirking as she raises her hand
" señora can I go to the nurse I'm not feeling to good" she says whining
" yes of course feel better" Señora said
A few Minutes later I ask to use the bathroom and she says yes. I walk out of the classroom but out of the corner I see Skyler looking at me and frowning. Why dose she care so much she already has a new boyfriend.
Wow is all I could think. How could he get over us so quickly. I thought I meant something to him. How could I be so stupid to think that he was going to try and win me back. Instead he is going to go fuck a girl in a closet. I look down at my lap as the lessen starts. And my eyes stay there until the class ends. Chloe didn't bother asking what was wrong because she saw and heard the whole thing happen.
Once I got back to the dorm I did my homework as I listened to my sad boy hours playlist. 
Adam's first practice is tomorrow Since we don't have it today.
I hope things get better.

Authors note
It is a shorter chapter because I did one earlier today
Word count - 708

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