Chapter 23

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We all skate onto the ice of course Dean and Fulton going on. The bash brothers are finally reuniting with each other.

Coach Orion put me on the bench for the start of the period just like he did in the second period. Once the game starts I see Dean flip Cole into the air so hard and fast, that he goes through the glass into the crowd.

" Holy shit"  I say along with a lot of other people

" Let's go Portman Woo" I scream along with the rest of the crowd.

" Hey! Johnson you ready to go in? I need you to take out  Adam" He says as I get up

After I switched out with Adam I skated after the player who had the puck and stole it passing it to Fulton. Fulton passes it up to someone but before they could get it a varsity player steals the puck.  The varsity player tries to pass the puck but luckily Guy steals it and passes it to Averman. Averman passes it to Luis, he shoots but the goalie stops it before it goes in. Luis wasn't able to stop causing him to go crashing into the boards.

Rick gets the puck and starts to skate down the ice, but I quickly steal it from him and start heading towards their net. Riley catches up to me and tries knocking me over but I was able to keep my balance. But before I knew it Rick shoves me to the ground causing the whole crowd to gasp.

I quickly get back up " Asshole" I say shoving him right back

" what did I say Sky I told you that I was coming for you, you should have stayed back home with your drunk of a mom" Rick says shoving me right back only causing me to punch him in the face. Just as he was about to punch me back but Luis quickly steps in-front of me catching his punch.

" If you ever try to hurt my girl again I will beat the living shit out of you" Luis says before the refs come over

" Hey, Hey split it up" One of the refs say " You" he says pointing at rick " In the box for five minutes lets go"  he says grabbing Rick by the arm dragging him to the penalty box

"God I swear if he messes with you one more time I'm going to kill him" Luis says

" Hey it's fine, I'm fine" I say before skating off

All I want to do right now is win this game I can't be focusing on anything else right now.  Once Rick was back on and out of the box, one of his teammates passed to him and he started going down the rink to the goal. I started skating towards him but before I could reach him two varsity players slammed me into the wall causing it to crack.

I thought I was going to hear the buzzer go off but luckily Julie catches the puck. Thank god!

One of varsity's players were able to steal the puck and start heading down the rink but Dean hooks the guy. Causing the ref to blow the whistle.

"21 white, two minutes, hooking" he says

" Come on ref!" Coach yells complaining along with the crowd

"Give me a break. I didn't do anything." Dean says

"lets go son" The ref says dragging Dean off into the box as he complains and the crowd boos

Once Dean gets to the box he yells "Yeah" and starts getting the crowd riled up. He even started to strip till he was shirtless and started dancing. Causing the girls to go wild, and I think I even caught Chloe staring at his abs. I'm not going to say anything but whatever girl dates him is one lucky one. 

We get back into the game until we hear coach Orion yell change it up and then someone in the crowd yells " to many men, ref! Too many men!"

I skate over with the ref to see what's going on. 

"White you got a bench, bench minor. Too many men on the ice" The ref says

" Alright Luis" Coach yells

"Put a man in the box" The ref says

"Luis is back on the bench, Wu go to the box!" The coach yells as Luis heads back and Kenny goes to the box with Dean. Now automatically varsity gets the upper hand since we're down two players.

" Time out" Coach yells as we all skate over to the bench.

" Bring it in. Now listen to me, the pressure is all on them. All we got to do is hold our ground. Ok, Conway, Banks and Goldberg were going with you." Coach explains

" Me coach?" Goldberg asks to make sure that he didn't hear something wrong

" You Goldberg, you've earned your spot out there. Okay ducks? Here we go! Come on!"

We all start getting hyped up and yelling as Adam and Goldberg head out but before Charlie can coach stops him.

" Were really back up in the corner here. We hold them for two minutes, we've got ourselves a tie. " he says

" were up to it coach" Charlie responds and after he said that I kind of zoned out and lent my head onto Luis shoulder.

" I really hope this works" I say

"me too" He says kissing my head

I look up t see coach give Charlie back his captions C causing me to smile

The puck drops and varsity gets it and starts skating down. The player heads around the net but Julie falls down leaving it wide open. The player shoots but before it can go in Charlie jumps in front saving us.

Charlie gets the puck from Riley and starts skating towards the net with only ten seconds left. He passes the puck back to Goldberg! He shoots and scores wining the game for us!

" The Ducks win" I hear the announcer say, I jump up along with the rest of my teammates celebrating.

We all skate onto the ice surrounding Goldberg cheering.

" We win" Goldberg yells

" Hell ya we do" I say hugging him

I skate towards Luis and immediately kiss him taking him by surprise but he kisses back right away. It was like fireworks were going off around us, as this just caused the crowd to cheer even louder.  I break away from the kiss

" Did I forget to mention that I like you?" I ask jokingly

" really I couldn't tell" He says pulling me in for another kiss

after we break away from each other we start skating to the exit of the rink. I see Mindy standing there glaring at me.

" Luis what about us, aren't you going to miss me" she says pouting

" first off what about us and no I won't" He laughs but before we can leave coach Orion shouts "Look what Bombay did" and we look up to see our very own champion ship flag hung up making all of us start to quack.

I look around and see Chloe and Dean talking, I skate past her and whisper " I told you so" in her ear causing her to blush and glare at me.

I then see Charlie and Adam kissing too, I knew they were going to get back together. I smile at the sight and skate back over to Luis.

" Wanna go get some dinner mi amor?" He asks

" Of course I would" I smile as he puts his arm around me

Even though he didn't keep his promise he definitely did make it up to me...

Authors note

I hoped you enjoyed this

word count - 1286

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