Chapter 9

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Charlie's POV

What the fuck is wrong with everyone. I don't understand why anyone else is mad at them. Adam and Sky betrayed us. They betrayed the ducks!

Adam keeps trying to talk to me but that's the last thing I want to do. I know at some point I will have to talk to him but I'm keeping that off for a while.
Why does he get to make varsity and I don't. He's not even that good neither is Sky. I'm finally understanding why Luis did that to her. She's a bitch.
But their is one good thing I met this girl named Linda. She's so hot, I know I'm still dating Adam but I need a distraction for now.

Luis POV

I miss her so much
At the beginning of our break up it wasn't that bad, but then I got to thinking. I got inside of my own head and now I wish I could go back in time and redo everything.
She's been on Varsity for a whole two weeks and both of our first games start this weekend.
Every time I see her in class I just wish she was the one talking to me instead of Mindy.
I've been trying to build up the courage to talk to her but every time I'm about to talk to her I see her hurt face again.




But today is the day I talk to her. I don't care if it's only a sentence or if she doesn't even talk back to me, I just need to tell her.

I was walking to Spanish my last period. Luckily, she is in my class. I see her walking to class with I think her friend Chloe.
This is my chance

" hey Sky-" I yell but I was cut off. By Mindy kissing me.

"Ugh, get off me Mindy, I'm not in the mood." I say shrugging her off and look for Sky.
Great Mindy just ruined my chance of talking to her.
" but baby, don't you want to go have some fun" she says winking and smirking at me.

" actually I need to get to class" I say and walk fast to class so she can't catch up to me.

I guess I will just have to wait until this class is over. When I walk in I expect to see Sky but her and Chloes seats are both empty.
God I bet she saw Mindy kissing me.
"Fuck" I mumble as I sit down as class starts.

Skylers POV

The last two weeks have been pretty good. Practice was hard at first but I kind of got used to it. And Honestly the boys aren't that bad. The only bad one is probably Cole and Rick but everyone else has warmed up to me.

I miss Luis more than ever though. I thought I was over him but I'm really not. The first day I saw him my feelings came right back. Or... they never went away.
But right now I was walking down the hallway to Spanish with Chloe. We were talking about how I ship her and Dean. I think that they would be so cute together and they would definitely get along.
I just wish Dean was down here right now instead of where ever he lives. I honestly forget, but I've already thought of a ship name.
"Clean" I know I know but it's a good ship name and like the only one I could think of but anyways.
" ok at least show me what he looks like. I need to see this Dean guy if you ship him with me." Chloe says laughing
" alright look at this photo"

" dang he is a hot piece of meat. I would fuck him in a second" she says making me smirk

" operation "clean" is a go" I say but then I heard someone yell.
" hey sky-"
Making me turn around. As soon as I turn around I see Luis making out with Mindy.

I scoff causing Chloe to turn around and scoff too.
" hey do you just want to skip this period and just go get food. I don't have cheerleading and you don't have hockey today. Soooo?" She asks

" yes I would love to, Come with me" I say laughing
" fine"
And with that we ran out of the school fast and headed to McDonald's.

Author's Note
Shorter chapter but better than none be thankful. I'll try getting out more chapters during Christmas break

Word count- 754

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