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Jen pov.

   "Ahhh! Aish! Jungkook is not coming today!" Jisoo unnie said "but why?!" "He is spending his day with his mon" lisa replied casually.  "Ahh I see" I replied and we all sat  on table of cafè

Jin jisoo jimin rosè
Jennie lisa taehyung  (this how they are sitting)

"What would u all want!?" Jin oppa asked so jisoo unnie replied "cappuccino" "umm I will just get some Boba tea" lisa said continued by v"me too... I will get some Boba tea.." "I and rosie get some iced coffee" jimin said "ommagwad you know me well baby mochi!!" She said in excitement as we all 'aww'd' her "I will get cappuccino too" Jin oppa said. Ahhh they are getting same samee I smirked in mind. Jisoo unnie rolled eyes and asked me what I want.. for a sec I thought I was invisible "um.. I will get hot chocolate" I replied Jin oppa gave order and came.

     I noticed that I was indirectly being a 3rd wheel.. for everyone.. rosè and jimin are being cute couple as Jin oppa and jisoo unnie are acting like old married couple who keep fighting while lisa and v were..  flirting!? With each other.. more like they were looking like hot couple.. I tried to distract myself by counting ther sugar in the small bowl (note the sarcasm lol)

   I felt myself out of place.. I know it's no one's fault.. but what can I do!? I can't control how I feel.. can I!?

   I heard lisa talking to him "you look handsome today" with a slight smirk "you look hot too.. probably looking the prettiest out here"  I know she is prettiest.. but why does it hurt me.. I silently excused myself and walked to washroom.. while coming back I bumped into..


He Is my childhood frnd. He still look same.. but the fact that he grew more handsome! "I'm sry!" He said and bowed to me and left.. wait- he didn't recognize me!? Wah- how rude!! oh wait- I'm wearing mask! Aish how stupid! Oop- he already walked away.. I walked to our table to see how busy they were with each other.. well im happy.. I hope so..

  I came to my table and said "um guys- I kinda have smthg to do.. I will leave" jisoo unnie saw me and said "what- but babe! Just a few minz and we will go together" ahh will she stop being all kind! My heart is melting! "Ah-" I looked out just to find that brat vanish like smtng! "Ok I guess-" I said and took my phone.. imma find his username in insta.. to distract myself I guess!? I scroll through his page.. well eventually to find he is huge kdrama star who did two dramas! Ahhhh I'm definitely outta world!


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    Ahhhh he is quite famous..
(That's when she did not realize she liked a post of him)

  "Guys! Let's go shall we!" Lisa asked.. "sure.." we all walked to our car.

In car

     Jin.   Jisoo
     Rosè jimin
Lisa taehyung Jenn (in car)

I saw tae keeping his hand on lisa's bare thigh.. I saw lisa eyeing him but he ignored. I can see a tint of blush on lisa's cheek.. it was obvious she likes him.

  We reached our drom and I went to sit on couch "unnie yaa!! Im feeling kinda too happy now" lisa said.. "oh wow.. would u mind if I ask you something!?" "Not at all unnie" "ohhh kayyy! So you like someone right" i said in a teasing way "omo unnie how u know!?" "It's obvious!" I said will a lil sadness inside.. "I like jk a lotttt!!! But there I someone else who attracts me sooo much" she said.. I clearly know who it is.. "and who is that!?" "It's v oppa!" I knew it but my heart broke again. I put on the fake smile showing I was happy for her..

Lisa pov

   I said her I like v.. I do like him.. but I also like jk alot.. and I know she likes v oppa.. but I can't help it.. I am physically attracted to tae on the other hand im emotionally attracted to kook..  its obvious I choose kook over tae but I am down to do stuff with v oppa..

(No hate to real life lisa yall! It's just character as I love jentaelis triangle strys)

I saw the tears struggling to come down her eyes.. Im feeling guilty but I am doing it.. "ah- lisa ya! I'm happy for you" she smiled and hug me.. dont be so good jennie.. it makes me feel guilty..

"JENNIE! WHAT THE HECK!" Jisoo unnie screamed frm room "WHAT THE HECK- WHY ARE U SCREAMING" jennie replied as jisoo unnie walked out "did u like any post frm cha eunwoo!?" Wait- what's going on!? "Uh- oh shit!" "It's all round internet now!" Jisoo unnie said with slight concern n anger "uh- I guess I liked it with my main acc.." jisoo unnie glared "you should have been carefull jennie.. thank fully only few found it! Just unlike asap.." "Ok wait" jennie said and unliked the pic "now I need an explanation" jisoo unnie asked jennie "uh- he was my childhood frnd.. or I could say he looked like one.." Jennie unnnie said woa- the hell! Is she frnd with CHA EUNWOO!?

    Jennie walked away as she got a call frm manager and after some whole she came back..

   "Uh.. I guess I should meet yg sir tomorrow" with a cute 'oop-s look' on her face "aish! Be careful next time jennie ya!"

We saw jimin rosè and jin laughing "omo jennie unnie i literally am shipping you with eunwoo oppa now" rosè said I felt v being annoyed by that comment of rosè..  wait- do he perhaps like her!? It can't be! "Oh yess you and eunwoo would be perfect unnie!" I added to check is he really bothers.. I saw him rolling his eyes as he took his phone back. I can't let him develop feelings for her. "Aish yall!" Jennie said laughing and denying.

   "I will cook smthg to yall" jennie said as rosè jimin Jin oppa and jisoo unnie were watching movie I messaged v who was sitting across.

Lisa : hey! Wanna have fun!?
V : like!?
Lisa : I will tell you.. but we should go to ur room I guess... you know what I mean!?
V : surely

He then looked at me with smirk

He stood and walked to his room. I looked at jennie noticing it and watched me walking too..

*in room*

"Soo..!?" He asked looking at me "I was bored so I wanted to do smthg.." I said bitting my lower lip with embarrassment. He chuckled and continued "so what u wanna do" "you very well know kim v oppa!" He bit his lower lip and "like!? Idk what you mean" srsly!? Is he trying hard to get!? "Srsly!?" I said and locked the door and unbuttoned first button of my shirt.. "ahhh you wanna get down and dirty?!" "See I know u know!" He smirked and walked near me..

Yall it's just ff! Do not hate on lisa! She is literally my baby! And also Don't attack me either!

Please support me! Or else I'm getting demotivated!

Love you all

Love you all

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