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Hey guys!
I have many plots in my mind for Jennie.
We will have amazing plot for Rośe and jimin
Lisa rośe and jisoo will get distant of Jennie and only Irene will be by her side as they are close since long time.
The stalker plot is also ready and by the way thats best and main plot of the story.
There will be one plot that might hurt  everyone.

Jen pov.

  "Yah! Tell me about the rumors!" I was about to speak when Irene cut me off saying "don't you dare tell me any lies. I know who you like. Actually love. And that's clearly not jungkook as you have wierd ass type of liking guy 'a year or two older' so tell me"

  Wow. She knows me better than I know myself.. I chuckle thinking how even if we have become distant due to work we still have the bond..

  "Well.. actually.." I explained her everything about the incident.

(A/n : yall I'm Hella sorry but I'm extremely lazy to write whole flashback)

  "Oh damn that's fcked up.." she spoke taking a bite of pizza.

   "Indeed.. *sigh* well" I glared at her in a teasing way and continued "what abt you? You and suho?" She suddenly chock in her pizza "what about us?" "The exactly smtg that's going on between you two?" "Um..." one glare of mine and she finally spoke "OK fine. We both are kind of seeing eachother.. since 1 week" in one breath "oh lord- that's.." I made a disgusted face to tease her "oh God don't think of me as a wierd human for being with the bestie but I-" I burst into laughter "dude chill! I love you! I'm sooo proud of you" I said hugging her. "Thank God! I thought you would die today if u said otherwise" she spoke with sarcastic tone, "woah! Woman? Chill?" I said and we stare at eachother for a second and burst into laughter.

   "Well.. I wanted to tell you something" she spoke on serious tone. "What's that?" "Jin came to me few days ago.. he confessed to me.. but I rejected him as I knew sooya like him... although I felt guilty.. that I came between jisoo and him.."

Well short chapter. I didn't want to ruin this chapter's mood!!!

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