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Jennie pov

"Hey.. u looking good" I said as I stood with v I noticed him suddenly froze and blushed and said "your looking pretty too.." and I nod too.

We talked for a bit when I had urge to go to washroom. I was going and searching for washroom when I saw rosè stood at her spot with a tear sliding her cheek. I was about to approach her when I saw jimin rubbing her back more like consoling her and I saw her nod with a smile "I'm fine jimin.. it's fine.." she said to which he replied "I know u love him and we know that you guys aren't fir each other. You should love yourself first. You made your insecurities love you.. don't do that" while hugging her.

We knew Rosè liked yoongi and jimin liked rosè but why is she crying tho!? I peeked a Lil to find yoongi hugging Wendy. Oh- now I got it.

   I've always liked rosè and jimin together. I knew abt yoongi and Wendy and I tried to convince rosè that he isn't a match but she didn't even try to understand. Jimin was perfect for her.in every way..

  I left them so they can have a Quality time..

I was searching for washroom but I couldn't find it. I finally walked to a room and finally found the washroom. But it was suspicious.. I heard a click.. well prevention is better than cure.. it's better to just leave. 

    I was walking through the stairs when I heard someone following me. I turned around to find no one.

    I started walking fast and heard foot steps closer and that was..


"Gosh u scared me." I said sighing to which he laugh and I joined him to..

The party was done and now we are at our drom. Blackpink drom not blacktan drom.

I was in kitchen when I heard of a click as if someone is taking pictures. I saw the other side to notice lisa and rosè clicking selfie.. why is that click so loud tho!?

  I prepared pancakes for 4 of us as late night snack

    We all were done and were ready to go to sleep.

   "Phew.. it was a great party isn't it!" Rosè smiled.. it felt real.. not a fake one.. is she faking!?

"Yea it was amazing but lets sleep now!" We all went to our rooms. Me and Rosie in one and lisa n jisoo unnie in other.

    *click click*

Am I hearing things!? From so long I've been feeling like someone is clicking pictures.. I've been feeling like someone is following me whenever I'm alone.. and I hear clicks.. is this real or I'm just over reacting!?

Next day

   It was early in the morning I went to company for extra dance practices.. I wanna do better.

   I entered the building's dance practice room when I saw taehyung.

  I didn't disturb him and just walked to the other side of room putting my headphones and started practice.

  I was about to trip in one step just then v came to help.. well didn't work out and we both fell down.

   "OUCH! MY BACK-" I said just then I noticed that he was on top of me.

  I felt everything in slow motion. Slowly felt the air blowing. The lights flicker slowly. Slowly yet fast enough I felt his lips on mine.


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