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Lisa pov(continue)

  He walked near me and pulled by my waist. Just when we were about to kiss we heard the noise of jennie calling everyone for dinner. "Ah I guess we need to go now" I said with a smirk knowing he was clearly annoyed. We both walked down and saw others sat on the table.

  "Ooohhh you guys started without us!?" Tae asked "ah- we waited for you both but you guys took forever.. sorry!" Jennie said cutely making everyone 'aww' at her.. including me and tae.. sometimes I think I'm doing wrong.. to jennie.. but sometimes..

     "Lisa ya! Come fast!! Im hungry!!" Jennie said waiting for me to come and eat with her..

  Soon we were done with our meal and they bid us goodbye (blacktan) while they were  going I stopped v. When everyone went out I pecked him secretly making him startled. "Bbye!" I smiled innocently when he greeted me back and returned.

Jennie pov

  We reach our drom I sighed heavily and jumped on couch. I was again scrolling eunwoo's insta acc to find tae and kook are his friend. I was distracted as I sensed someone beside me on couch. It's taehyung.. "oh hi tae.." he lookedat me and replied "uh!? Hi!" With a smile.. "um.. v!" "Yea jen!?" He replied with questioning look. "Um... do u perhaps know eunwoo personally!?" I asked wanting him to reply positively "u-um.. yea we do know eachother.." he looked at Me as I replied "oh.. nice" I replied not wanting to irritate him further.. as I kinda sense he get annoyed by me alot "um.. I will leave now.. good night.." I said and left from there.

Tae pov

She asked me about Eunwoo. Idk why suddenly it made me angry... she never really asked about any guy before..  I dont know why it annoyed me all of sudden.. "um.. I will leave now.. good night.." she said and left.. she is kinda wierd!? She is ignoring me!? Well there isn't any reason for her to ignore me tho.. we are good friends I guess.. moreover she must be tired.

   Next day I woke up and saw jin and jisoo eating breakfast peacefully "oh hi guys" I said and came to the table and sat "where is jennie" i asked because it's only her who isn't here "oh well she went early.. yg nim had to talk to her" jisoo replied. Why is that so!? I just nod in response and started eating.

     Me jin and jisoo went to recording of our new comeback. As we were on our way we saw jennie talking to eunwoo.. she hugged him and bid him goodbye and came to our direction. What's with him and her!? I know the fact that jennie like me but..!? Well I guess I got it wrong.. maybe she wasn't really into me.. but why in hell is it bothering me!?

     "Hi guyss?!" Jennie said with a gummy smile.. which was.. cute!? Why sudden she looked cute!? "Hi jen" "hi nini" "hi jennie" we three greeted her. "So lets go to recording!?" She asked being excited! "Oh well ye! We are going there!" Jisoo said with a smile.


Short chapter!!!

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