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Next day

Tae walked in the dance studio when he saw Jennie almost done with her practice. She noticed him and gave a sweet smile at him and walked out trying to slow her heart beat down.. same goes with taehyung. In this period of time some way somehow grew closer.

On the other hand it was jisoo. It was mid night jisoo was almost asleep when she gets a phone call which awakes her up. Eyes closed she answers the call with the deep voice of her.

"Hello.. who the heck is calling me at this time?" She was annoyed duh. "J-jisoo- I- I'm really sad *sob* can we meet please?!" Someone on the other side of the phone speaks. Her eyes opened quickly to check who was it. It was Jin. She was extremely anxious of what made jin so sad that he had to talk to jisoo "I'm downstairs.. please come fast" he said "ok" was the only word that came out of her mouth. She cut the call and immediately walked downstairs. She wore mask and a loose t-shirt with shorts.

  She got in the car and asked him "what's the matter" but he did not answer anything. He drove as fast as he could and stopped the car in middle of some silent road. He turned to her and started sobbing "I- I loved her." His words were painful to both of them. "But she loves Suho" he continued. She very well knew who was he talking about. Irene. Someone who is considered to be better than her in every form and every way. One smile of her and whole crowd fall on her knees. That's what everyone think.. including jisoo.. little did she know..

   She smiled a bit which was unnoticed due to jin's loud sobs. A smile was not because jin can't be with Irene but rather her best friend who is more like a brother Suho can be with his love.

   "I don't know wht to do.. I have tried everything to make her mine" he said and continued sobbing. Jisoo's heart broke but she hug him to calm him. He didn't stop. His cries were getting loud and sadder.

The next thing both knew was..

Her hand

On his cheek

And sting of pain

"Omo- i- I'm really sorry- I- I didn't mean to slap you"

"Why did you do that" he said "what was the reason!?"

She was dumbfounded by herself and her action.

Why did she slap him!? Because she was done.

"I'm sorry" was all she could say

He continued crying.

(Yall I'm laughing 😂)

Loving Ms. Jane (Taennie)Where stories live. Discover now