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Next day

Jennie's subconscious self was reluctant for going to work but she very well knows that she can't run away forever. She looked at herself and smiled slightly knowing she looks great. She very well know that even at her darkest time in life she would look great. I mean.. she is JENNIE.

  She took her bag and walked out. As she opened the door she noticed 3 letters. She was getting late so she just took those letters and placed in her bag walking out. She walked to her car and signaled the driver to start the car.

   She reached and walked in the building when she saw jungkook and taehyung walk in together. They both were joking around and laughing. As they saw me suddenly their expression changed to some wierd yet cold expression.

I walked further in when a might be new staff handed me my regular coffee.

Sighing I entered into the elevator, soon enough jungkook and taehyung entered in. Wow.

  Tae and jungkook were standing beside eachother and behind was standing a pretty girl. Yup that's me.

  The atmosphere was filled with awkward tension. Suddenly I felt the elevator jerk off just to realize there is some problem in it.

  A sudden memory of him flashed infront of my eyes but I controlled myself. I drank whole coffee and held it just to feel something funny on my head. My head was spinning. I closed my eyes to get some relief, but instead everything worsen.

  I Quickly opened my eyes to find myself alone in the elevator. It was dark. Darker than that day. I looked around to find Jungkook or taehyung just to find myself alone.

A glimpse of him came into my vision. "You are laughing? After killing my child? Bitch!" Before I could do anything I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes to find worried and shocked jungkook and taehyung.

  My tears started to run down and my breath was shaky. I realized that I was in the corner almost on taehyung's lap and jungkook right infront. I cleared the throat and stood still "i- I'm s-sorry" I said and Quickly straighten my back and stood.

  why is it happening again?

Jungkook pov

     As I walked in the elevator along with Jennie and Tae. The elevator ride had wierd tension. I was pretty furious at Jennie because all of the dating thing.. I never wanted it. But I ignored it as it's best for us.. me atleast.. I can stay away from lisa and prevent having those feelings for her.. she likes v hyung and apparently hyung also likes her.. it's good for us.

   I was interrupted off my thoughts with a sudden sound of crash. I looked around to find that the elevator is stuck.  Taehyung sigh in annoyance along with me and I noticed Jennie panting. She looked like she is terrified of something.
Sudden tears rush down her cheek. Wha- before I could say or do anything I noticed taehyung rushing to her trying to calm her "ya jungkook! Isn't she your girlfriend!? Why are you standing there doing nothing!?" He scolded me making me rush to her. Taehyung almost sat down due to jennie's attempt that look like she was trying to back away from someone and in Seconds I realized she was on his lap. I took out my bottle and splashed some water and shook her to wake her up.  She slowly opened her eyed dumbfounded of her position so she cleared her throat and stood as quickly as possible.

   What was that? Was it probably due to the lift? Maybe..


3rd person pov

  The three of them walked out the elevator as soon as it reached. Jungkook walked off but taehyung was waiting Jennie to walk of so that he'd know she was doing ok.

   "Are you alright?" Taehyung asked Jennie just to make sure "yes.. just got panicked.. haha" Jennie replied with a clear fake smile.

    "Why didn't you tell me?" V asked. "Tell you what?" "That you were dating Jungkook" "umm-" she was taken back by the question.

  "Nevermind don't tell me.." V sighed continuing "You love Jungkook right?" He asked "N- Yes! yes.. I do" she had to lie as she had to.

    They both walked in the room filled with their members of the group.

    She walked quietly and sat in the corner and no one approached her but it's not like she mind tho.

Or maybe.. sho did?

I'm extremely sorry for late updates my luvs! Hope you like this chapter!

I was trapped in my studies that I didn't get time to update! Hope you all are fine

Love you all!!

Enjoy the chapter


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