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Jen pov

I cried whole night. Everyone was ignoring me. Even jisoo.. maybe because they think I stole jungkook from lisa? Oh lord I don't think of him more than a brother. A brother!!! I don't know why I came to this shitty company?.. just to suffer? Yes.

Crying did not help in any way. So I stopped crying and watched some series. Nope I'm not in our drom. I am staying at my apartment for a while.. yg asked me to take few days leave.. maybe he didn't expect so much hate but who cares? Well I do.

Oh by the way! Everything is fine.. Great actually! Because finally I got some leave. A break from those faces. I have internet but I don't really care about the hates.. or death threats saying "bvtch leave my innocent oppa alone! Only I belong with him!" Or some psycho shippers saying "bvtch he belongs to xyz" lmao as if I'm dying to be with him- ew even thing of it makes me gag-.

Minding my own business and reading my novel because.. well.. why not!?

I wanted to eat something and I was out of groceries so I just ordered some 7 boxes of pizzas.

I waited for the boxes to come. Well don't worry I don't order anything with my professional or personal numbers.. I have a different number just for me to order something.

I asked the delivery boy to leave the boxes to leave at the door. Not gonna lie I wanted to repeat the scenario from Home alone where the boy played the movie clip! Not me rolling and laughing at the scenario!

The boxes were at the door the delivery boy left and I took the boxes in. As I was taking the boxed in I saw a wierd note and 'for jennie' was written on it.

I ignored the letter coz.. I have been reading many psychopath novels and shit this is how they begin. And being a normal human from normal world I will be ignoring this shit bcz I ain't no stupid y/n from wattpad. *eye roll*

I brought my pizzas in and I was about to open the box I heard knocks on the door.. it's rare.. especially after me and Rene became busy..

I walked to the door and I got a phone call of Irene.. damn sis gonna live for more 1000000+ years.

"Hey! Open the goddamn door!" She yelled on the phone and I heard her voice through the door and opened asap coz she is scary when she is mad.

I opened the door just to find her wearing black mask with 3 boxes of pizza and suho beside her! Who also had a bag of some snacks- woah.

They rushed inside and kept those stuff on the table and sat on my fluffy couch.

"Oh man! Finally I'm feeling free!" Irene sigh in relief and suho was wiping her non existing sweat. 'Awww how cute' I thought while closing the door. NOTE THE SARCASM!!!

"Wow! Look who decided to forget the path and walk in!" I said in sarcasm and Irene glared at me which made Suho chuckle.

Not gonna lie I'm always me around Rene and Suho.. mainly Rene..
I love these two because I did not have to fake my personality and be all goody goody. The thing I love bout Irene is that she don't pity me or make me feel "it's ok! Everything will be ok" rather she just states 'well that sucks bro' we share everything with eachothers.. been together at the worst or best. Cry together watching a movie because we liked the 2nd lead better.

We are same.

"Bish go get some water! A friend has come after sooo long!" I rolled my eyes and threw a cold water bottle on them so they both can drink.

"No way! You bought 7 pizzas!? Are you human or monster??" Suho stated in surprise. "I'm taking one pizza with me! Bye!" He stated talking one boz of pizza "wait are you going!?" I asked to which Irene replied "oh he is busy.. let him go! We will have girls sleepover!" Suho left with no trace of him. Good for him to work hard.

"Why don't we call jisoo!?" I asked Irene being all excited amd her face fell down. "No need. I just wanna spend time with ONLY you" she said with straight face. Definitely something is wrong.. but what?

"Did something happened?" I asked to which she shook her head in denial. "Tell me Rene!!!" "OK fine she didn't wanna come. She wanted to 'be there for her angel maknae' tsk" she said and rolled her eyes. One statement and I could imagine what might have happened. I chose to ignore it and bring everything to the center table in the drawing room and she logged into my Netflex. (If you know you know)

Rewatching Vampire diaries is never bad. Always best!

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