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Confessions? Or complications?

I suggest you to listen "baby I'm yours" for this chapter

Dispatch: jennie and jungkook's hot shoot sparkles millions of fans. Many are in rage while others are disappointed.


@jane650 : Dispatch is really a nosy shit to make small stuff big deal.

Jkdreamer12 : they are gonna be new power couple of kpop industry soon.

Taekookisreal : jennie definitely did some magic on our innocent kook that he have to shoot for the filthy brand.

Jen_lisa126 : really jennie? Why did you betray lisa like that.

Taennie_is_real : I hope ur happy jen! But I still root for taennie

Taelice : I knew it🤣🤣🤣

Liskook4ever : jennie really did steal her frnd's boyfriend didn't she?



Are you paranoid? How can you do this to your friend"

Fast forward to 4 weeks

   Beautiful sunny day. That's what it looked like. But his stare was digging deep onto her.

  Jennie was in her practice room. Practicing her vocals. Any new song near? Nah. Just her vocal practice.

  Her voice.. it was deep and strong.. as if a siren trying to summon the sailors. They were so many people in the room.. but his eyes were on her like she is a distraction to all his problems.

   As soon as her eyes fell on him, he wanted to stay.. and tell everything in a snap.. but it's not right..

  Betraying his best friend.. is not right.

As soon as realization hit him, he looked away and walked out to make this less awkward. Walking in the rooftop seem like best solution to him. He walked upstairs without realizing someone was calling him from behind.

   He looked down from the roof.. all the houses seem like tiny blocks. Ofc excluding the huge building.

  "Taehyung!" Jennie called him panting and sweating coz of running. "God how fast do u walk?"

"What is it jennie?"

  "What is it? I should be asking this to you. We started to become good friends. We became so close friends and look at us now. You keep running away from me! We are FRIENDS!"

  "That's right.. we are 'FRIENDS' so why do you worry!?"
Emphasizing friends with a press.

   "What do you mean?" She asked

"Look I never wanted to be your friend. I never saw you as a friend. I tried being 'just friends' but it's fcking impossible!"

   "I- what are you talking about?"

  "I'm in lo-"

He got cut off as he heard someone talking. Soon getting dragged by jennie behind the wall to hide from whoever was coming.

  "Wha-" He was again cut off by jen as he shut his mouth by her hand "shushhh" she shushed him silently.

There was another voice coming from the front.

It was jungkook and


"What do you mean I already am in love with someone? I'm in love with no one! The one in love is you! With jennie! Gosh I can't even call her bitch"
She spoke as she had a tiny tear which would've gone unnoticed.

  "Srsly lisa? Don't tell me u weren't in a fling thing with  Taehyung!"

  "Wha- who told you that? Yea I thought I loved him but I didn't. He wasn't in love with me either! It was FLING for a reason! He liked jennie. He was dumb convincing himself otherwise but he was.. and who knows even now he is."

  "So your telling me you never really loved hyung?"

  "No! Why don't you understand? And what about you? And your scandal?"

   "Oh well we weren't supposed to say but it is kinda fake.."

  "Really?" A relived smile flashed on lisa's face.

  "I mean yea.. we both thought eachother as siblings. Atleast me.. I mean I was all mean with her bcz of this news thinking it was for her.. but the scandal was made to blur another dating scandal.. and I love you.."

  "Soo.. it's your way of proposing..?" She asked being all amused. 

  Jungkook gave her a genuine smile "yea.. will you be my girlfriend?"


They kissed

Well looks like today was lizkook day!

Might post sooner or later but trust me I myself am f'ing excited but the views and votes are not enough😭✌️


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