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   Next day

Taehyung pov

   Um.. there was something yesterday right!? What? Oh- oh no no no no- shit-- how can I forget that- it was jennie's birthday- oh my God! Wait did others wish her? God I'm screwed.. maybe no one remembered? Lord help me!!!!

I walked in the hybe building and took one day leave for practice for both me and Jennie.

  I was walking down when I saw Jennie looking all pretty without even trying. Sometimes I wonder how can someone look and be so pretty so effortlessly.. she looked at me with 0 expressions as I waved my hands at her. I very well know she is mad that maybe no one remembered her bday.

   She tried to ignore me but I ran up to her and held her hand stopping her. I was panting as I ran out of breath as I was running together her. "What is it Taehyung" she said lazily. "I'm bored.. come with me." I said "where? I have practice! Go with lisa or others!" She said rolling her eyes. Somewhat I felt uncomfortable of even thinking of hanging out with them.. not like they are bad or anything.. I'm just not too comfortable.. but NOW it have to be jen! "Oh common!" I said dragging her playfully to my car "dude- I have practice! Where are u taking me?" She said "oh I asked permission for your holiday. And you will find out when we reach" I said.

   "Ugh fine!" She said she looked at me and asked "can I atleast put my songs?" "Sure!" I replied while driving. She connecting her phone through Bluetooth of car speaker and played the "shuffle play" in Spotify without noticing or thinking other thoughts.

   Anddddd the first song could come wassss...


Ngl this song have a separate fanbase! All quite kids with extreme duality kind of kid..

And no doubt jen was one of the. A quite idol that many hate for "not speaking much" having pretty cool personality.

  Tae's first reaction was a good choke on air and wide eyes. Noticing his reaction Jennie faked her caugh and changed the song real quick.

  The next song was "All the kids are depressed"

She let the song play.. the song was quite relatable for both of them.. both were lost in the lyrics and it took fraction of second for Tae to note the song name down.

   Thanks to Jen Tae got a new fav song♡

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