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Lisa felt kinda bad for how she was being. Knowing that she was being a bad person. She felt bad for being a bad friend for Jennie because she knew Jennie liked v and deep down v also love her. But Lisa felt jealous of Jennie somehow.. that Jennie have amazing friends who loved her dearly but she didn't knew was she was actually more lucky. As she had many good friends and ppl who love her with all her heart.
Now she wanna stop this game and just focus on her love.. jungkook..


Lisa : V.. I just wanna inform u that.. I hope you don't take our incident srsly..

V : what are you talking bout!?

Lisa : the.. stuff that happened between you and me..

V : oh.. um.. if you don't mind.. can I know why!?

Lisa : I was just attracted towards you v.. I don't love you.. I love jk.. more than anyone and anything..

V : oh.. so you like my best friend!? Don't worry.. I won't come in between you both..

Lisa : thank you so much v.. I hope we still be good friends..

V : surly♡ bbye

Lisa: bbye

After this Tae started to think deeply.. was he been played!? Or he was so dumb to notice she liked kook.. or was this just a puppy love!?

He wanna belive that it was just a phase that cone and go and as time passes he would also forget that.. he felt hurt.. not because he is sad that Lisa likes his brother.. but because he felt like he was cheated.. he felt like he is soo dumb to just come in just any such scenario.. he wanna ignore that..

Just as he was in his deep thought someone sat beside him.. he didn't realize that until someone pat on his thigh. V snapped outta his thoughts and looked at the person.. it was Jennie..

"You ok!?" She asked him while she was sitting beside her taking a bite of the chips and turning the television on. "Um.. yea.. kinda.. I guess" He spoke not knowing what to say. "You guess!? *chuckle* you are soo confused of yourself.." she spoke while searching for a perfect channel to watch on TV.

"Um.. I guess I am really a huge confusion" Tae said chuckling and taking a chip from the bag Jennie was holding. "Woah! I have never been soo annoyed of not getting a proper movie!" Jen said out in annoyance "impatient much!?" V asked for which jen paused for a second. Tae thought she took the 'impatient much' in wrong way (you know--) v was about to say something but before that Jennie spoke

"AAHHH!! now I remember that drama's name! It's squid game! Thank you sooo much for reminding me!!" Jennie said in 'baby excited' way which somehow made Tae chuckle and made his heart beat faster than usual. But Tae was still in confusion how did HE gave her idea!?

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