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Tommy's POV:
They all woke up on the sofa. I looked up and saw techno staring down at me, I didn't run this time I just held him closer. Me and techno both got up and headed to the kitchen where Phil and tubbo were. Phil had made some breakfast, Tubbo had told me that I had to eat 3 bites.

'How do you feel about starting school today?' Phil asked. Tubbo was nodding his head and very excited so I replied with 'sure' 'go get dressed then!' Philza chuckled. Me and tubbo both ran up the stairs and I put on the usual white T-shirt with red arms and tubbo had a green jumper. I walked over to wilburs room and knocked on the door quietly. 'Come in' i heard tired Wilbur say. 'Hi Wilbur do you mind if I uhm if I' I said. 'What do you want?!' Wilbur said annoyed. I ran up to him and stole the beanie off his head and ran out of the door. Wilbur chased after me shouting 'child give that back dickhead' I just laughed and ran into technos arms Wilbur would never challenge techno. Will just huffed and walked back up the stairs. Techno chuckled and ruffled my hair, I could see Phil dying of laughter with tubbo in the kitchen. They had seen what I had done.

'Kids get in the car!' We heard Phil shout from the door. We all dashed to where we could hear his voice, techno jumped in the front with me inbetween Wilbur and tubbo. 'If you need me I'll be either in the cafe or by this bench' techno explained pointing to a bench. We both nodded. I turned around and could see dream chasing George trying to tickle him saying 'oh george~' George was rubbing away screaming and sapnap just sitting on the bench watching them.

Me and tubbo went to our separate classes and as I walked through the door the teacher howled 'why are you late?' 'Oh uhm sorry miss I'm new here' I responded scared. 'That is no excuse now go sit down before you disrupt any more of my lesson' I quietly and shamefully walked to the chair at the back of the classroom. 'Bzzzz' the buzzer went off I must've zoned out that whole lesson I thought to myself. It was break time now.

As I walked to my the cafe to meet techno I saw a gang of boys walk up to me. "Oh no it's them" I thought to myself. There was always this one group of boys who would make fun of me for not living with my parents. That walked up behind me and pushed me onto the floor. 'Where are your parents today' said one of them. 'Give me your dinner money or we'll start hurting your brother too' I handed them a little pouch with the money Phil had given me for lunch. I just lay on the floor taking everything in. They were all laughing and kicking me. All of a sudden the laughing stopped and it turned into cries of pure fear. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a tall man with pink hair and a sword stood over me. "It was techno" I thought to myself. 'We're those boys bothering you?' He asked in a soft tone. 'Uhm no' I responded worried that the boys were listening in. 'Cmon let's go' techno responded not believing him.
'If those boys bother you again just call me I will kill them.' Techno remarked proudly.'oh uh that's not necessary' I said worried. 'It is if anyone is hurting my brother I want them dead' techno claimed.

A/N: protective technoooo
Word count- 625
Any requests of where to take this story?

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