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Today I woke up to techno shouting from the kitchen 'I've made breakfast' I dragged myself out of bed and took tubbo's hand as we walked downstairs. I could hear yelling coming from the dining hall, it was Wilbur. 'Techno this is mingin you can't cook and what are these anyway, sugared potatoes' he said disgusted. 'Right who wants toast' Phil asked the table. 'I'll try some of technos sugared potatoes' tommy said quietly. 'See at least someone is willing to try them. 'Can I just have some toast' tubbo said. Techno put a plate infront of me it was full of grainy looking potatoes. There was about four on my plate. I managed to eat 2. Techno looked over at me with a proud expression on his face.

'Kids you are going on a road trip with George and dream today' Phil said. 'Why?' Tubbo said 'well me and dad have got a business trip' techno replied rubbing his hair. 'Okay' we both say in sync.

A van pulled up in the drive, it looked like something you would get kidnapped in. But then dream and George walked out and knocked on our front door. 'We're here to pick up the boys' dream said 'if you hurt either of them at all in any way, mentally or physically, I will kill you' techno threatened dream. 'Oh uhm okay' dream replied intimidated.

We all hopped in the car, dream and George in the front me and tubbo in the back.

Time skip to lunch

'Okay we are going to stop at McDonald's for lunch okay?' Dream shouted back 'oh okay' tommy said worried about what he was going to eat.  'What do you want' dream asked pulling up to the window.  'I'll have chicken nuggets chips and coke please' tubbo said. 'Okay tommy what about you?' George said. I looked over at tubbo with a worried look on my face. 'Water and a small chips please' I said, wanting to eat as little as possible. 'Is that it?!?' Dream said back to me 'yea I've got a eating disorder' I said snappily back at him he turns around and slaps me 'that's ridiculous at your age grow up' he says, I start crying. Tubbo crawls into a ball like how he used to when mum hit me . 'Dream that's a horrible thing to do' George said. 'I'll have a full fat coke and a Big Mac and chips please, that's it thank you' he says then he pays.

We go to the next window and get our food, dream passes tubbo his chicken nuggets and coke. Then hands me the full fat coke, Big Mac and large chips. 'You better eat all of that or we'll have problems' dream says cockily. I start eating the chips and put the drink and the burger to the side. 'I'm done' tubbo exclaims. 'Okay pass your rubbish forward.' Dream says. Tubbo passes his rubbish forwards. 'You done yet,brat' dream says looking in the mirror at me. I was still eating the chips.'I can't eat the burger or drink the drink, I'm sorry' I reply quietly and worriedly. 'Pathetic' he replies. I hand my rubbish forwards with tears streaming down my face. 'Wait till techno hears about this' I accidentally think out loud. 'You what' dream replies shocked. 'Oh uh nothing' I say worried that he actually heard me. 'Uh no I heard you dickhead, come here' he slaps me across the face, giving me a black eye.
Phone ringing
"We're home now if you want to drop them back" messaged Phil.
'Oh great they want you back now' dream says. I sigh relieved that this day was over.

A/N: this is a long chapter, this post is only half of it lol
Word count : 635

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