The sleepover

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I woke up this morning to Wilbur playing a soft tune on his guitar. Followed by Phil shouting up as usual 'foods ready' me and tubbo walked together down the stairs and I sat next to techno and tubbo sat next to Wilbur. 'I'm being put into all of your classes just so I can keep an eye on you,okay?' Techno said looking down at me. 'You know I can look after myself' I said back in a tired voice. 'You evidently can't judging I have saved you twice already' techno smirked. 'Ugh' I huffed. I knew I couldn't actually do anything myself but I liked to feel independent.

'Right let's go' Phil said as we all started to finish up our breakfast. Wilbur rushed for the front seat and techno sat in-between me and tubbo. We drove for a a bit then stopped outside the dreaded school. 'If anyone bothers you, you know where techno is. If he's not by your side that is' Phil said looking around to me.

We all went our separate ways or well tubbo and Wilbur did. Techno followed behind me, close behind. I could see people looking and dispersing as they saw me. One boy didn't move he had half black and half white hair he was like double my height. I decided to go talk to him. 'Hi what's your name?' I said joyfully. 'Oh I'm ranboo' he responded hesitantly. 'I'm Tommy and this is my brother-' tommy said turning around, techno was gone. Tommy grabbed ranboos hand and ran, getting as far away from techno as possible. 'I've got history first' tommy said looking up at his new friend. 'Oh same' ranboo said. 'Come on let's go then' tommy said walking on.

Time skip to after school.

'I could ask my mum if you could sleepover' ranboo asked Tommy. 'I've never slept over anywhere before' tommy said. Ranboo got his phone out and called his mum
Hi mum can my friends stay over tonight
Ye sure honey, who is it?
Oh it's a new friend I met today his name is Tommy
Is that the kid that Phil just adopted?
Oh ye I think so
Okay see you boys soon
'She said yes!' Ranboo said high-fiving tommy. 'I'll have to speak to techno first.' Tommy said.

They both ran up to the tall boy with pink hair. 'Hi techno' tommy said hugging him. 'Hey kiddo, where have you been all day?'  Techno replied. 'I found a friend' tommy beamed. 'Oh that's nice' techno said examining ranboo up and down. 'Is he okay?' Ranboo whispered to tommy. 'Yea he's just overprotective Tommy laughed back. 'I am not' techno said. 'Do you think Dad will let me sleep over ranboos house?' Tommy asked techno. 'If you ask him nice enough' techno said. Tommy just rolled his eyes and walked off with ranboo. 'We've got to pop home to my house first okay?' Tommy said looking up at his friend. 'Okay' ranboo said. They walked to Tommy's house. 'Hi dad' tommy said walking through the front door. 'Hey mate' Phil replied. 'Can I sleep over ranboos house?' Tommy asked Phil with puppy eyes. 'Ranboo, is that minx's son' 'Uhm yes' ranboo said quietly from the door. 'Hey buddy, of course you can stay and minx's' Phil said. I was a bit confused on who this minx was but I walked out the front door grabbing my bag. 'Bye dad' I shouted. 'Bye son' Phil shouted back.

'I need to warn you that my mum is a bit loud' ranboo said. 'Oh that's okay trust me I live with Wilbur and techno' I said admittedly. They walked to the end of the street then turned to a big cottage like house. Ranboo opened the door. 'Hi mum' he said to a tall lady with purple hair. 'Hello ranboo, and you must be tommy' she said in a shouty kind of tone. 'Yes that's me' I said. She opened her arms and gave me a hug. I just stood there awkwardly. 'Right... let's go up to my room' ranboo said giving me the wife eyes.

We walked up the stairs and then into a door on the left, it was dark in there it kind of looks like ranboos kind of style. 'What do you think of my mum?' Ranboo said worried as I looked a bit shook up. 'Oh she's very welcoming' I said. 'Let's watch the tv' ranboo said as he put some minecraft video on the big screen that he had in his room. We watched tv until about 9pm then we heard the front door knock. We both peered out from ranboos door. 'Oh it's probably just Niki' ranboo said. He was right Niki walked through the door and minx welcomed her as she welcomed me, with a big hug. Then the door knocked again, in walked dream and George. 'Oh god' tommy thought out loud. 'What's wrong' ranboo said. I hadn't told anyone out of my family about what dream had done to me so I decided to trust ranboo and tell him.

I explained what dream had done. 'I am so sorry' ranboo said giving me a caring hug. We could hear dream shouting downstairs about something. I shivered at the sound of his voice and rolled into a ball, shaking and crying. I was having what techno called a panic attack. Ranboo called down the stairs for some assistance, Niki and minx both rushed up the stairs. Minx knew what to do because ranboo went through the same thing. She puts her hands on Tommy's shoulders and says in a calm voice. 'Name three things you can see' 'uh- you ranboo and Niki' Tommy slowly says. 'Well done now match my breathing pattern' ranboo says taking minx's place. Tommy puts a hand on ranboos chest and matches his breathing pattern. Ranboo brings tommy in for a hug and sits on the bed with Tommy in his arms. Tommy slowly fell asleep. 'What caused this?' Niki asked in a whispery tone. 'Dream abused him and called him pathetic for having an eating disorder' ranboo whispered back. Niki and minx quietly leave the room and walk down the stairs. 'Dream get out of my house' minx says. 'What is wrong with you he is a child and he has been through more than you in his whole life. And then you have the audacity to call him pathetic. GET OUT' dream carefully walks up to minx and gets in her face and says 'and your pathetic for standing up for him' that was it he pushed the line. Minx full on mother slaps him across he face causing dream to run out of the front door crying. George follows dream closing the front door behind them.

Minx quietly walks up the stairs and peers through the small gap in the door to see her son rocking Tommy back and forth as he was sleeping in his arms.

Got a bit carried away with this chapter.
Word count: 1182

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