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I ran up to techno at the end of the day and gave him a big hug. We walked over to the car and inside there was the short strange man with a taller fluffy haired man. I sat in the back and techno sat in the front with dad. Both of the men in the car looked about will and technos age. 'This is as you know sapnap and this is Karl.' Phil explained pointing to each one of the boys. 'Yea I'm sapnap and this is my boyfriend Karl' the taller man waved at me and I just turned to look out the window. I hated meeting new people.

When we got home I had planned to ask techno and Wilbur about their past. So I walk up to wilburs room with tubbo and opened the door, Wilbur was sat at his desk with a guitar singing. Me and tubbo sat on his bed. Tubbo went to go get techno and then they both walked through the door. 'We want to know a bit about you' I said. 'We tell you about our past then you tell us about yours okay?' Techno asked. We both nodded.

Wilbur explained that their mum had died when they were 2 and their dad was a alcoholic and used to hit techno for a year before Wilbur had called the police on him and had him put in prison for assault.  Then they went to the orphanage and got adopted when they were three by Phil. 'Your turn' Wilbur said.

'Well uhm' tommy said shaking at the thought. 'Our dad was never around and our mum was abusive and went missing' I said not noticing the tears streaming down my face. I felt tubbo wrap his arms around me in a comforting way. 'Your safe here no one will be able to hurt you, your family'

'How was your first day at school?' Wilbur asked. 'Shit' I said admittedly. Techno then said 'I had to fight away some bullies from beating tommy up.' Phil then walked in and joined the conversation he had been listening to. 'What happened!' Phil exclaimed worried. 'Oh Um these boys in my year took my money and beat me up... but techno saved me!' Tommy said sadly. 'You can have the rest of the week off boys' Phil said to me will techno and tubbo. Then he left and went downstairs.

'Dinners ready' Phil shouted up the stairs. I huffed I hadn't eaten all day, and I didn't want to. I knew I had to eat for tubbo. I walked down the stairs and sat at the table, Wilbur and techno were arguing about what film to watch and techno was just watching them argue. 'How about we have a board game day tomorrow' Phil said. 'We can't play board games because someone here is a sore loser and flung the board across the room last time' techno said whilst staring at Wilber. 'I did not it was the wind' Wilbur argues back. I covered my ears I hated arguing. I could just about hear Phil shouting at Wilbur and techno to stop. So I took my hands off my ears. 'See look what you did' techno said pointing at me. 'He looks terrified' techno said putting a protective arm around me. I felt safe in his arms, techno had once told me that "he saw himself in me" and I smiled.

A/N: next chapter is going to be wholesome techno
Word count - 588

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