Returning to school

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'Sons come downstairs!' Phil shouted up the stairs from the kitchen. All four of the boys sprinted down the stairs in a line. 'You boys are going back to school today!' Phil said excited to get some peace. 'Awww okay' tubbo said.

Time skip lol

All the boys hopped into the car as instructed by Phil. They drove, Tommy was nervous to confront the boys that had attacked him the last time he was at school.

They all got out of the car, techno put a reassuring arm around tommy as he was shaking. Techno reminded Tommy on where to find him during the day. Then the boys all went their separate ways, Tommy had history first lesson.

Time skip till lunch

'Hey Tommy' a boy came up behind him, Tommy turned around. It was the boy that techno had scared off from attacking me. 'Meet me and the boys after school at the park, yea?' He said. 'Uhm okay' tommy responded.

After school

Tommy ran up to techno and informed him that he was going to the park with some of the boys from school. 'Okay, be careful' techno responded cautiously. 'I will!' Tommy beamed. Then ran to the park. Three boys were there. "Oh no it's the same three that beat me up last time" tommy thought cautiously entering the gate.

'Well, well, well if it isn't tommy himself' one of the boys smirked. 'Oh hi' tommy said nervously. 'Where have you been, Phil been keeping you at home protecting you' the middle boy said intimidatingly. 'No uh'

Techno POV:
Techno had followed his brother very far behind though, so he wouldn't see. He peered out from behind the tree, he could hear distant shouting
Technos not here to save you now
Where's your family, oh wait their dead
Followed by laughing.
Techno peered out again he could see his brother being pushed around on the floor, he hated seeing tommy like this. He slowly walked out from behind the bush, pulling out his sword. 'Hello gentlemen' he said carefully edging towards them, sword in hand. Then he made a run for it, picking up the first boy and punching the living daylight out of him. Then the second, slashing him with his sword. Then finally the third dropkicking him into next week.
He knelt down to tommy, holding him on his arms, 'hey kiddo you okay?' Techno said softening his voice. Tommy was shaking and crying. Techno just held him close as several police cars showed up.

"Ah shit" techno thought to himself. 'Hello i am officer Niki' one of the officers said. 'Hello Niki, I'm techno and this is tommy' techno responded pointing down to his brother. Niki just looked around and saw a pile of three boys all of them uncontious. 'Got some explaining to do' Niki asked looking at techno. 'Officer I drop kicked that child in self defence' techno claimed. 'He was picking on my brother and-'techno stopped for a second.'I'm sorry it was wrong of me for sticking up for my family. Niki just looked at him disappointed. 'We'll have to phone your farther, you know this right' Niki said. 'Yea I know' techno responded looking at the floor.

Phil hopped out of his car running towards tommy and techno. 'What the hell happened' he said going full dad mode. Techno explained that tommy had told him that he was going to the park to meet some boys there, so he had followed and saw them kicking Tommy around so he stepped in and... yea. 'Technoblade I am disappointed in you' Phil said. Techno knew he was in trouble whenever Phil used his full name so he just kept quiet. 'I am so sorry officer this will never happen again' Phil said apologetically. 'It better not' Niki said getting back into her police car.

Phil picked Tommy up and put him in the back seat of the car and I sat in the front. We didn't say a word all the way home. Phil just kept looking at me with a stern glare on his face. As soon as we got home I decided to try to apologise. 'Dad I'm sorry it was just-' he looked at me dead in the eyes and said 'I don't want to hear it. Go get out of my sight' I ran upstairs crying, I had never upset Phil this much in my whole life. " I did it for Tommy" I thought to myself as a dozed off to sleep.

A/N: poor techno
Word count- 763

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