Going home and wholesome Techno

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Tommy wakes up in ranboos arms. Ranboo looks down at tommy and says 'morning' tommy gets up 'oh uh sorry' Tommy quickly says getting up. 'No dont worry!' Ranboo says pulling tommy back. Minx pops her head through the door and says 'good morning boys, Tommy what do you fancy for breakfast?' Minx asks the sleepy boy in her sons arms. 'Oh  um just some toast please' tommy said. Minx smiled and nodded 'and you boo?' 'I'll have the same' ranboo responded. 'Okay come down when your ready!' Minx said cheerfully.

Tommy and ranboo had gotten dressed and we're heading down the stairs. Niki was still in the house. 'Hello tommy, how are you feeling?' Niki said looking towards the boys. 'Oh better than I was last night' tommy said shyly. 'Oh good' Niki said. 'Phil messaged me saying that you need to be home by 11' minx said turning to the clock. It was 10 already. 'OH SHIT ITS LATE' minx shouted. 'LANGUAGE THEY'RE CHILDREN' Niki said acting cross. 'It's alright Niki I live with Wilbur techno and Phil, I've heard worse!' Niki laughed at Tommy's statement.

'In the car!' Minx said as the boys had finished their toast. The two boys went upstairs and got Tommy's bags. They then ran down the stairs jumping in the car. We drive up to Tommy's house and knock on the door. Minx puts a reassuring arm around my shoulder. Techno answers 'hello tommy!' He said looking down at me. 'Hey techno' I said in a disappointing way. 'What happened?!' Techno said getting ready to kill anyone that hurt me. 'He had a bit of a breakdown last night and told me Niki and ranboo about what dream did, he had a major panic attack and fell asleep in ranboos arms.' Minx explained to techno. 'Oh my god Tommy are you okay' techno said looking back at me. 'Uh ye I guess, it was just that I heard dream shouting downstairs and then it triggered the panic attack' tommy said shamefully. 'Come inside' techno said signalling for me to go inside. I walk inside and hide behind the sofa. 'Thank you for helping him ranboo and minx' techno said .'your welcome I hope he feels better soon!' Minx says leaving.

'Kiddo!' Techno said calling me. 'Yes?' I said worried. 'How do you fancy learning how to fight?' Techno says holding a sword. 'Yesss' I say excitedly. Techno chuckles 'let's go then' he exclaims. 'Where do you think your going' Wilbur says looking at techno. 'We're going to the field Im going it teach tommy how to use a sword, you dare tell Phil' techno replies giving Wilbur a death glare. 'Oh I will' Wilbur says trying to be annoying. 'You dare' techno says. Techno knew he wasn't allowed to teach Tommy or tubbo how to use a sword because Phil had said they are too young. Techno then grabbed my arm and ran out the front door with me, carrying a bag with swords hanging out of the end. Techno just laughed as we ran to the field. I got out of breath pretty quick so techno picked me up and put me on his shoulders.        We finally got to the field and techno pulled out an identical crown to his and placed it on my head, I smiled and looked up at him. He also pulled out two swords and handed the smaller one to me.

He shows me how to hold it and then I copy him.  'When can I do a real fight?' Tommy says in a whiney tone. 'When you stop swinging that little sword at my ankles' techno responded. 'Let's go home I can probably take you to practice again another day' techno said as he gets a million missed calls off of Phil. 'Awww okay, are we going to get in trouble with dad' I ask techno. 'You won't I will make sure of it' techno says looking down at his brother.

Techno and tommy get home and Phil and Wilbur were sitting on the sofa waiting for techno and him to get home. 'Technoblade' Phil says when he hears the door shut. Techno sighs and says 'yes dad' 'where have you been' Phil said. 'Uhmmm the field with tommy' techno half lied half didn't. 'What did you do there' Phil said sounding disappointed. 'Nothing' techno responded snappily. 'Technoblade come and sit down and you Tommy get over here' Phil said. I jumped at my name, then walked over to the sofa. 'Tommy what were you and techno doing in the field' Phil asked me. 'Techno was teaching me how to use a sword' I answered panicking. Techno put his head in his hands and sighed. 'Techno i have told you about teaching the boys about swords.' Phil said looking at techno disappointed. 'Ye I know Phil but he was sad because of dream, did minx tell you what happened' techno said in defence. 'No what happened?'

Techno explained what had happened to tommy at minx's. 'Oh gosh tommy are you okay' Phil said looking over to tommy. Tommy was peacefully sleeping on technos shoulder with his crown still on his head. 'I'll let this slide this one time Technoblade' Phil said chuckling. 'WHAT DAD IF I DID THIS YOU WOULD LITERALLY KILL ME' Wilbur said. 'Yes but look how cute they look with their latching crowns, how can I get mad at this' Phil said. Techno just pointed at Wilbur and chuckled. Wilbur out his middle fingers up at him. 'Will language.' Will then put his middle fingers up to his dad. 'Aye chaotic child bed now!' Phil said chasing Wilbur up the stairs. Then techno pulled out his book and started reading not moving a muscle.

A/N: this is a long chapter again
Word count: 973

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