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tommy pov:
tommy was the first person awake in the house, he quietly tiptoed downstairs to see that phil was already up and making pancakes for breakfast. 'morning dad' tommy said. 'good morning son, how did you sleep?' phil asked. 'i was awake most of the night but i slept alright' tommy explained. 'aw have you spoken to techno this morning' said phil. 'no is he awake' 'i'm not sure but these pancakes aren't going to be warm for much longer can you go get him?'phil asked.
tommy happily skipped back up the stairs and cautiously tiptoed over to technos room. to tommys surprise techno was fast asleep on his pc. tommy walked over and looked at the monitor screen "minecraft" tommy thought. the pink haired man jumped up. 'oi what you doing dick' he said unsure on who awoke him. 'oh shit it's you hey' he corrected himself. 'uh hi phil asked me to come and get you because breakfast will be ready soon.' tommy replied. 'oh okay' techno said heading to his bathroom. tommy followed and gazed at techno. techno looked down at tommy and said 'wanna braid my hair' 'yessss' tommy said. some girls at the orphanage had taught tommy how to braid hair.
after tommy had gotten the bobbles and a stool he jumped up on the stool and started to braid technos long pink hair.
time skip to when the braiding was done
tommy takes a step back and admires his work 'beautiful' he says. techno rolls his eyes and heads downstairs with tommy to see phil and wilbur at the table with a very sleepy tubbo.
they ate their food and tommy was telling them how he braided technos hair and about how the girls in the orphanage taught him how to do it. wilbur then asks tommy if he wanted to spend some time in his room. tommy agrees and heads upstairs with him. wilbur gets a little box out. inside there is some nail polish bottles. 'what you doing?' tommy says. 'oh i was just going to paint my nails black' wilbur replies. 'i want mine done pink' tommy pleads. 'okay i will do them now'
time skip to after nail painting
wilbur and tommy head downstairs and tommy is showing off his nails to phil and techno. phil and techno both agree that they look great and that tommy and tubbo should go get themselves ready.
'do you think tommy is a little gay?' wilbur asks. 'i mean there's nothing wrong with it but do you reckon he is?' wilbur continues. 'yea i've noticed it too' phil says.
tommy comes running down the stairs and phil says 'tommy can i have a word' tommy comes over looking worried. 'don't worry it's nothing to worry about you're not in trouble.' tommy smiles a little. 'uhm i just wanted to say that we will support you whatever you are if you want to be a girl or boy if you want to be gay or straight you are always welcome in this family' phil says trying to hint something.
'oh well i did need to tell you something...' tommy says

writers notes : sorry i haven't updated in so long, someone commented for me to update so i thought why not.
word count - 550

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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