Nightmares and board games

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'Night time boys' Phil said pushing us all up the stairs. 

Time skip!

I jumped awake, I had a nightmare again. I had nightmares most nights and end up just staring at the ceiling most of the time. I wanted to get a glass of water. So I slowly and carefully opened my bedroom door and quietly walked down the stairs, to see techno sitting on the sofa wide awake 'hello little one' he said smiling. 'Oh um hi' I replied shocked. 'Why are you up so early' he said pointing at the clock it was 2am. 'Could ask you the same question' I replied. 'Couldn't sleep' techno said. 'I had a nightmare' I said frowning.

I sat down on the sofa next to techno and he said 'do you wanna see where I go when I have a nightmare?' 'Yea okay' I responded. We walk out of the front door and into the car. Techno starts driving and we end up in a field. We both jump out and then techno shows me a cute little tree with a bench underneath it. We both sit down and techno starts humming a soft tune, I fall asleep with technos arm around me. He looks down at me and picks me up. We go in the car and head home. Techno looks at his watch it was 6am "dad's usually up by now he will be worrying about us tommy" he thinks to himself .

Techno walks through the front door with tommy in his arms, to meet Wilbur and Phil stood at the door with worried expressions on their faces. 'Where have you been we've been worried sick' Phil stated. 'I took tommy to the field' techno whispered putting me down on the sofa.

Tubbo ran down the stairs shouting 'tommy!' He was obviously worried as I hadn't been in the bed when he woke up. I jumped awake 'oh hi tubbo' I said tiredly. He hugged me it was the most comforting thing in the world.

'Right board games time' Phil said 'monopoly first!' Tubbo said excited. They got out monopoly.
A few intense minutes later
Wilbur pay tommy you landed on his property
Tommy's in jail I'm not paying a criminal
Wilbur just play the game
No I'm not playing the game
Me and tubbo both jumped. Tubbo held onto Phil. Wilbur had hit the game off the table in anger and ran up the stairs. 'Knew this would happen' techno stated. Phil just sighed as he knew his son was a competitive person. 'Why don't we play another game' he said.

Time skip again

Wilbur had came downstairs now and he started playing tag with tubbo me and techno just sat there contemplating life. 'I'm gonna get you' Wilbur shouted as tubbo screamed.
"I'm gonna get you" I thought then I zoned out and had a flashback of their mum.
I'm gonna get you their mum shouted as tubbo and Tommy ran up to their room screaming and crying she had a knife and Tommy knew what she was going to do.
'Tommy, Tommy' techno said.
Tommy came back from his flash back shaking and crying. 'What's happening' tommy said. 'Panic attack' techno said. He put his hands on Tommy's shoulders. 'Tell me three things that you can see that is brown' tommy pointed at the book, Phil hair and wilburs shirt. 'Good now try to match my breathing pattern' techno said softly. Tommy put his hand on technos chest matching his breathing pattern. 'Well done I'm proud of you' techno said bringing tommy into a hug.

'You really have a soft spot for tommy don't you techno' Phil said. Techno put a finger on his lips pointing down to a sleeping tommy in his arms.

A/N: awwww wholesome technoblade
Word count- 637

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